Sun.Star Pampanga

The New Normal for Filipinos

Jover C. Patawaran


Recently, the world had faced one of its greatest hurdle in this modern time. The covid-19 pandemic created so many problems that made peoples in our country fall into even greater depths of poverty. Many people lost their jobs and in turn created empty pockets and hungrier mouths to feed. Not to mention the threat of acquiring the disease once you stepped out of your home. This situation of fear, hunger and uncertaint­y have caused various problems not only at home but within the very social fabric of our country. Some people expressed their discontent in social media and through other means. Another way of people venting out their concerns is through demonstrat­ion rally along the streets not minding the risk they take in taking part to such activities.

As the government repeatedly states, we need to adapt to the new normal of living. This term is being applied to pertain to various health protocols that we neglect to consider prior to the pandemic. Social distancing, wearing of mask and constant disinfecti­on are only few of the things that we need to do and follow. Indeed, the old habit of social gathering is strictly prohibited by the government in order to put the spread of infection into a half. Honestly, the idea of living within the limits of this new normal go against the culture and tradition of the Filipino society. We, as a nation that is known for our close family ties, whole year round of social occasions and many kinds of celebratio­ns find it very difficult to handle such changes. But as the rule of nature goes, those that fail to adapt and conform to the changing world are bound to disappear in the face of the planet. Making it simple, if you want to survive and continue living we need to abide by the rules of the changing environmen­t. And this can only be achieved through concerted effort of the people and government. Let us refrain from complainin­g too much and just do things that would contribute in the betterment of our fellow countrymen. Let us be vigilant and aware of our surroundin­gs, be cautious of the things that could endanger us and our family, and finally, become a keeper of one’s neighbor because we do not know when will humanity pay us back from the deeds we have done when the right time comes. The perceived impact of the “new normal” is in itself a challenge that we need to surpass and overcoming such hurdle will just make us better individual and as the popular line says; “what doesn’t kill us make us stronger” we just need to prevail against this problem once more just like what we did to the previous ones so that we may return in our old ways of being cheerful and joyous people.


The author is Teacher I at Pampanga High School

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