Sun.Star Pampanga




7he TXaOLt\ RI OearQLQJ that eYer\ chLOGreQ thLs tLPe RI 3aQGePLc Ls Yer\ Iar IrRP the XsXaO sceQarLR that Ze XseG tR e[SerLeQce. ,t¶s a Jreat chaOOeQJe tR ERth teachers aQG SareQts RQ hRZ tR EecRPe Jreat LQstrXctLR­QaO SartQers LQ SrRYLGLQJ TXaOLt\ aQG reOeYaQt OearQLQJ tR aOO SXSLOs. 7hrRXJh actLYe SartLcLSat­LRQ RI the GLIIereQt staNehROGe­rs ZhLch SrRYLGe the GLIIereQt PaterLaOs that ZLOO heOS sXSSRrt the LPSOePeQta­tLRQ RI the OearQLQJ PRGaOLt\.

7he XQeQGLQJ sXSSRrt RI the staNehROGe­rs IrRP JRYerQPeQt QRQ JRYerQPeQt SrLYate eQtLtLes aOXPQL aQG SareQts haYe sXccessIXO­O\ LQteJrate the hLJh YaOXe RI attaLQLQJ the sXccess RI the SrRMect. *LYeQ the RSSRrtXQLt\ tR RIIer aQ\ IRrP RI sXSSRrt that ZLOO heOS the schRRO SerIRrPaQc­e raLse tR Lts hLJher staQGarG. 7he SrLRrLt\ RI the schRRO LQ ZhLch Lt ZRXOG Ee saIer IRr eYer\ OearQers ZheQ the\ ZLOO eQter LI the QeZ QRrPaO eGXcatLRQa­O settLQJ set IRr.

7he schRRO aOsR cRQtLQXe Lts LPSrRYePeQ­t RQ the Sh\sLcaO IacLOLtLes that ZLOO heOS SrRYLGe a cRQGXcLYe OearQLQJ eQYLrRQPeQ­t. &RQstrXctLR­Q aQG reSaLr RI schRRO SrePLses ZLOO set a chLOG IrLeQGO\ aQG saIe OearQLQJ eQYLrRQPeQ­t LQ SreSaratLR­Q IRr the LPSOePeQta­tLRQ RI OLPLteG )ace tR )ace cOasses. 7hLs Ls GXe tR the hLJh SractLce RI schRRO accRXQtaEL­OLt\ ZhLch Ls EeLQJ REserYeG E\ the staNehROGe­rs RI the schRRO ZhLch the\ see that aOO theLr sXSSRrt Ls EeLQJ PaQaJeG SrRSerO\ E\ the schRRO aGPLQLstra­tRr as ZeOO as the GeGLcatLRQ RI teachers tR eYer\ shRrtcRPLQ­J RI the schRRO.

:heQ cRRSeratLR­Q ZLOO IRster thLs tLPe QRERG\ ZLOO IeeO QeJOecteG reJarGOess hRZ GLIILcXOt the sLtXatLRQ Ls EecaXse the\ are SrRSerO\ SrRYLGeG aQG assLsteG RQ Zhat are theLr QeeGs ERth LQstrXctLR­Q aQG resRXrces. (Yer\ OearQer ZLOO Ee PRtLYateG tR stXG\ aQG e[LteG IRr the Iace tR Iace settLQJ. 7he\ ZLOO actLYeO\ SartLcLSat­e aQG acceSt the chaOOeQJe RQ hRZ the\ cRXOG e[teQG theLr sXSSRrt tR the schRRO.


7he aXthRr Ls 7eacher ,,, at &Xa\aQ (OePeQtar\ 6chRRO

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