Sun.Star Pampanga



Merely speaNing the lesson, students hardly catch the gist of it. %ased on research, this is the least effectiYe way of teaching. ,ts long term retention rate is Must around fiYe percent -ames .elly, .

:hen we teach using the lecture method, our learners can tell what the lesson is all aEout Eut soon forget as time passes. 7hey will no longer rememEer. -ust liNe an echo that we hear Eut will soon Ee gone. , EelieYe that there is more in the teaching profession. $cting or demonstrat­ion of a lesson has thirty percent retention rate according to -ames .elly in his /earning 3yramid. 7his giYes room to the learner to mimic and eYen do the tasN on his own which is a good thing. ,n the long run howeYer, as the learner moYes away moments from the demonstrat­ion, he will soon miss some salient points of the lesson. , EelieYe that the teaching profession can do Eetter. 7he practice of doing things will yield seYenty fiYe percent retention rate. ,t is then a must to design lessons ensuring that the learners are actiYely engaged in the learning process, still according to -ames .elly. $s we train incessantl­y, the learner will master the sNills we are teaching. 7he law of e[ercise can attest to this. 7his also goes with the Yerse ³7rain up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it´ 3roYerEs . 7his will Ee a conYiction perfect for our society nowadays where negligence in discipline is rampant Eoth at home and in school. ,t is our responsiEi­lity as adults entrusted with the liYes of our children or learners to guide them and train them the way they should EeB an image in the liNeness of *od. 2n the contrary, how can we do this if we lacN the Nnowledge and wisdom in doing so" /et¶s allow our learners to learn, unlearn and re learn. 7his is where authentic learning comes, which encourages students to create tangiEle, useful and Tuality outcome to Ee shared with their world. *iYe them room for mistaNes as this is an aYenue for correcting misconcept­ions thus, leading to meaningful improYemen­ts of thoughts as well as actions. *one are the days when the teachers are always right, and eYerything is Ey the EooN and that there is only one way of doing things. :e must let our learners e[plore and find answers. 7here are many platforms in which they can do so. $s mentors, we must use such platforms as means to an end and that is to ensure that learning happens. $llowing a learner to moYe out of his comfort Eo[ will allow him to flourish in terms of acTuisitio­n of Nnowledge and sNills through e[perience, study or Ey Eeing taught. 6uch is liNened to the eagle¶s system of teaching their eaglets how to fly. 7hey neYer push their young out of the nest nor carry them to a flying tutorial. ,nstead, they create aYenues for learning then leaYe their young to unraYel the mechanics of flying. )or instance, they will gradually remoYe the soft layering of the nest and limit the supply of food in the nest. 7he situation will compel the eaglets to learn the art of flying to fulfill their Easic needs. ,n response, the young Eird will oEserYe its parent and try flying on its own. ,t will e[plore eYery possiEle way of flying. 7his is what , EelieYe a teacher can do to create the aYenue for his learners to flourish Ey allowing them to leaYe no stone unturned in their course of study. Readying themselYes to taNe the necessary steps they need to catch their dreams and to fly high as eagles do.


7he author is 7eacher ,, at 6ta %arEara (lementary 6chool

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