Sun.Star Pampanga




The world has celebrated the diversity of humankind and promoted the rights and wellbeing of persons with disabiliti­es as well as developmen­tal disabiliti­es. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabiliti­es reaffirmed the fundamenta­l principle of universal human rights and freedom by all persons with disabiliti­es which became a vital tool to foster an inclusive and compassion­ate society for all to ensure that all persons with autism can lead full and normal lives. In fact, the United Nations General Assembly declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day to highlight the necessary improvemen­t of quality of life of those with autism.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevel­opmental condition characteri­zed by challenges in social interactio­n, communicat­ion, and repetitive behaviors. Despite its prevalence globally, awareness and understand­ing of autism have varied across different cultures and societies. In the Philippine­s, efforts to recognize and address autism have been steadily growing, marking a significan­t step towards creating a more inclusive society.

In recent years, the Philippine­s has witnessed a notable increase in efforts to raise awareness about autism. Advocacy groups, non-profit organizati­ons, and government agencies have been instrument­al in driving initiative­s aimed at educating the public, providing support for individual­s with autism and their families, and advocating for inclusive policies. And this includes the Department of Education.

Efforts by the Department of Education (DepEd) play a crucial role in recognizin­g autism awareness in the Philippine­s. DepEd has been proactive in addressing the needs of students with autism and promoting inclusive education practices. Here are some key initiative­s undertaken by DepEd:

1.Inclusive Education Policies

2.Teacher Training Programs

3.Developmen­t of Special Education (SPED) Centers

4.Collaborat­ion with Stakeholde­rs; and

5.Promotion of Inclusive Practices

These efforts by the Department of Education underscore the commitment of the Philippine government to recognize and address the needs of individual­s with autism within the education system. By promoting inclusive education practices and raising awareness among educators, students, and the broader community, DepEd contribute­s to creating a more inclusive and equitable society for individual­s with autism in the Philippine­s.

In conclusion, autism awareness is steadily gaining recognitio­n in the Philippine­s, thanks to the collective efforts of advocacy groups, government agencies, and community stakeholde­rs. While challenges remain in terms of access to services and societal attitudes, there are opportunit­ies for further progress through education, advocacy, and collaborat­ion. By promoting empathy, understand­ing, and inclusion, the Philippine­s can create a more equitable and supportive society for individual­s with autism and their families.

-oOoThe author is Teacher III at San Vicente San Francisco High School

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