
Toddler shoots 2 playmates


Two toddlers were sent to hospital in serious condition after a playmate accidental­ly shot them with a loaded gun at a day care in the US state of Michigan.

The condition of both three-yearolds were upgraded from critical a day earlier, police said Thursday, as they wrapped up their investigat­ion and planned to meet with prosecutor­s to consider charges.

The accidental shooting took place Wednesday at a private home that functioned as a day care in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, when a child, also described as a toddler, managed to get a hold of a loaded handgun.

One toddler was shot in the shoulder and was expected to make a full recovery, police said, while another was in serious but stable condition. Police did not detail the second child’s injuries.

As many as 1.7 million American children live in homes with an unlocked, loaded gun, according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun violence, and the incident was the latest case of children being injured by unsecured firearms.

Nearly 1,300 children die and 5,790 are treated for gunshot wounds each year in the United States, according to a recent study published in the medical journal Pediatrics.

Michigan state law does not prohibit guns at home child care facilities, but requires them to be unloaded and stored in a locked location away from children, according to the state’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

The Dearborn child care was run by Samantha Eubanks, herself a mother of six who regularly took care of other children, according to neighbors and family members.

Eubanks was unlicensed, but authoritie­s said it was still unclear whether her child care service met the criteria requiring licensing.

US media reported that police recovered multiple firearms from inside the home, but a woman identified as Eubanks’ sister said she did not permit her husband Tim to keep weapons in their home.

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