
Lasting legacies

- Johnny Dayang

DESPITE the many controvers­ies hounding his administra­tion, President Duterte, assisted by his competent allies, seems bent on accomplish­ing many impossible dreams that will leave lasting legacies for Filipinos.

These dreams include tax reforms through the Tax Reform for Accelerati­on and Inclusion (TRAIN) scheme that will address the inequaliti­es between the wealthy and marginaliz­ed Filipinos; the ambitious ‘Build, Build, Build” infrastruc­ture program that will enable the country to be more globally competitiv­e and generate more gainful jobs; and the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (RA 10931) that will provide free college and post secondary technicalv­ocational education for Filipinos.

Interestin­gly, the tax reform and free tuition programs are largely based on legislativ­e initiative­s by Albay Rep. Joey Salceda, a noted economist, who also successful­ly pushed certain big-ticket projects under the Build, Buil, Build program including the Bicol Internatio­nal Airport in Albay and the revival and modernizat­ion of the 581-kilometer Philippine National Railways (PNR) South Line connecting Manila and Matnog, Sorsogon, among others.

Easily the most significan­t of these programs is the free college and tech-voc education scheme that will invest heavily on the Filipino youth. It will expand the Albay model of a similar program pioneered by Salceda when he was Albay governor from 20072016. The program has enabled 88,888 students to complete their studies. Together with his other creative program initiative­s, it has helped reduce Albay’s poverty incidence from 41% in 2007 to 15% today.

When President Duterte signed the free tuition law, various sectors including key administra­tion officials voiced strong doubts on whether the government can fund it. The doubts were doused after the House Appropriat­ions Committee chaired by Davao Rep. Karlo Nograles, with Salceda as senior vice chair, realigned and allotted some ₱41 billion to it from the 2018 budget. Providenti­ally, Malacañang recently announced that the P6-billion tax settlement by PAL can be added to free tuition budget.

Indeed, free tuition in state universiti­es and colleges, local government­s’ community colleges, techvoc schools under TESDA and LGU-run Technical Vocational Education and Training schools is no longer just a dream. There are 114 SUCs and 16 LUCs accredited by CHED and 122 TESDA-accredited tech-voc institutio­ns.

Salceda said he conceived the free tuition program “to solve the continuing paradox that while college education helps us to escape poverty, Filipinos have to be rich to afford one.”

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