The Freeman

Brazil military fight mosquitoes


SAO PAOLO — The Brazilian military men surrounded the white bucket yesterday and moved in -- the Zika-transmitti­ng mosquito larvae didn't stand a chance.

Naval officers and seamen in spotless, crisp uniforms had advanced on a flower pot in the suburban Rio house, meeting no enemy. Their next objective, a potted fern, was also enemy-free.

But in the bucket of water at the back of the house, the servicemen and an employee from the health department in Sao Goncalo, a seaside suburb of Rio de Janeiro, came face to face with Brazil's dreaded foe: larvae of the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

After verifying the identity of the dots wriggling in the water, the sanitation worker dumped them on the ground to perish in the 34 degrees Celsius ( 93 Fahrenheit) sunshine. In President Dilma Rousseff's declared war against Zika and mosquitoes, Brazil had just notched up a tiny victory.

All along the same street in Sao Goncalo, teams of naval personnel and sanitation staff went house to house, garden to garden, flower pot to flower pot -- anywhere where water might collect and allow mosquitoes a place to breed.

"The goal today is to educate the public that everyone needs to take responsibi­lity... and to investigat­e possible breeding sites," said Commander Carlos Alexandre Souza de Lima, resplenden­t in his white uniform on the normally unremarkab­le residentia­l street.

Across Brazil, some 55,000 other members of the navy, army and air force, plus 310,000 health workers, were deployed on that same mission, with some four million properties in their sights during a campaign that began Saturday and runs through Thursday.

Zika infections, transmitte­d by bites from the Aedes aegypti mosquito, have exploded in Latin America's biggest country. They are blamed for an alarming spike in cases of microcepha­ly, a rare and serious birth defect.

The outbreak has been declared an internatio­nal emergency by the World Health Organizati­on and at least in public relations terms poses a threat to Rio's hosting of the Olympics this August -adding to pressure on Rousseff to find a solution.

 ?? AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE ?? Teams of naval personnel go house to house, searching anywhere where water might collect and allow mosquitoes a place to breed.
AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE Teams of naval personnel go house to house, searching anywhere where water might collect and allow mosquitoes a place to breed.

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