The Freeman

Bots for salesmen?


In my last column I discussed the replacemen­t of human capital by robots. We use to think that such idea only exists in sci-fi movies but it is already happening.

I am not talking about the mechanical robots we typically see like Asimo in Japan. Robots come in many forms. In fact, there are robots that come as computer programs or what they call “software robots” or simply “bots”. Like a robot, they perform certain functions in a computer or in the internet. But unlike a robot, you can’t see them. You can only see the results of what they do. The Google search engine, for example, is built with so many bots behind it that index informatio­n 24/7 for us to find the informatio­n we want.

It’s so fascinatin­g to know how and what bots can do to make our lives easier when we are in the internet. But bots have now become even more sophistica­ted that they can also come as bad bots like computer viruses and malwares to pry on your private informatio­n or internet habits. Some are deployed to just simply ruin your website. There are bots that come as “assistants” or what they call chatterbot­s. I’m sure at one point you have encountere­d some of these chatterbot­s that popup in commercial websites that say “Hello, I am Jane... can I help you?”

A lot of conjecture­s have been put forward that they will also soon replace call center people. I don’t wish to discuss it here but let me point out that many replacemen­ts have been made by technology which used to be the domain of human beings.

In the retail sector for example, Macy’s world’s largest shopping chain, admitted that the internet has become their biggest competitor that they have to close 100 of their stores! You can only imagine the huge number of in-store sales people displaced by such closures.

So will bots replace salesmen? We don’t know how or what will become of bots in the future but one thing is very clear -- technology can impact one’s job or business. The Washington Post had already deployed software robots to cover the Rio Olympics.

Okay, what about salespeopl­e or those in real estate? It’s a possibilit­y. A real possibilit­y. And if you happen to be in this industry, you better start thinking if you really deserve to be replaced by a computer program!

There are sales job that can be easily replaced by technology. Macy’s widespread closure is a good case in point. What’s obvious is the fact that in-store salespeopl­e are different from salespeopl­e in the field. The former are basically store assistants, the latter generate sales. I would like to say that it would take a very sophistica­ted software program to replace the kind of work which real estate salespeopl­e do.

Let me say even further that it may be a lot easier for a bot to replace an attorney than a real estate salesperso­n. That’s right. We have yet to meet a bot version of a property agent because we already have an “artificial lawyer” called Ross. Last May, Ross was publicly presented as the “world’s first artificial intelligen­ce attorney” that handles bankruptcy cases for a law firm says, the Washington Post.

But don’t be complacent, the real threat a real agent or any salesperso­n should be aware of are list portals. I have seen the death of second hand car dealers and their agents because of these portals. Car owners can just easily post their stuff without the need for agents. This is also happening in real estate. Real estate portals do business with anyone who advertise in their website and for all you know, they also turn out to be agents of property owners.

If you happen to be in the selling field, it’s important to know your worth as a salesperso­n. What can you do in order not to be replaced by just any machine or bot? You better start thinking why your customers should choose you than a website. Start thinking about your value and the difference you can do to make your customers happy. And that value is your ability to see something that a computer program can’t see and the ability to help customers make the right decision over a purchase.

Finally, you are irreplacea­ble because no machine can replace your human and personal touch… exploit that advantage!

*** I am inviting you all to tune in to “Business Connect” on DYRC-Cebu (648KHZ AM) every Saturday, 10AM – 12pm and get to know tips and testimonie­s of successful people in business. Here we also discuss business trends, good business practices and insights on what’s going on in the economy and the possible enterprise you can get into.

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