The Freeman

Priest reminds faithful to be humble as Lent begins

- — May B. Miasco/JBB

In a world filled with lavishness and extravagan­ce, a priest reminded the Catholic faithful about the value of humility and selfless sacrifice for others as the Lenten season begins.

Father Glenn Therese Guanzon pointed out that "we are not eternal in this world" because the people will only turn to dust.

While people are still living in this world, he said the faithful should take time to reflect on the love of God for He has sent His begotten Son, who suffered and died for His people’s sins to save them.

Lent is a solemn religious observance in the church calendar that begins on Ash Wednesday, which for this year falls on March 1, tomorrow.

"Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our Catholic observance of the 40-day preparatio­n as we are about to commemorat­e the passion, death and resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ," said Guanzon, the director of the Cebu Archdioces­an Commission on Worship.

Guanzon explained why the day is known as "Ash" Wednesday and the meaning behind this observance.

"We burn the palms blessed during Palm Sunday of last year, bless the ashes and put the ashes on the forehead of the faithful to remind them then of the virtue of humility because from ash we came and to ash will each person go," he said.

He added that aside from doing reflection­s, one should also give importance to the practices observed during Ash Wednesday such as abstinence and fasting.

Father Guanzon said the faithful may also do acts of mercy such as alms giving and repentance by doing confession.

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