The Freeman

PSE targets PDS deal in ‘next few weeks’


The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (PSE) hopes DQHZ WR ¿QDOL]H WHUPV IRU LWV takeover of the Philippine Dealing System Holdings Corp. (PDS) as early as next month.

³7KH JDPH SODQ LV WR basically have a formal signing of the deal, which can happen in the next few ZHHNV ´ 36( 3UHVLGHQW DQG &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2I¿FHU +DQV % 6LFDW VDLG LQ D PHGLD EULH¿QJ LQ 0DNDWL &LW\ ODWH Friday.

³:H¶OO EH VLJQLQJ WKH term sheet, which is really at the end of the day a pretty GHWDLOHG YHUVLRQ ´ 0U 6LFDW added, noting the PSE must secure approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Philippine Competitio­n Commission thereafter to close the deal.

The PSE, which already has a 20.98 percent stake in the PDS, has long pushed for the integratio­n in line with other Southeast Asian exchanges that facilitate the trading of both equities DQG ¿[HG LQFRPH VHFXULWLHV With the backing of the government, the PSE started talks to buy out other PDS shareholde­rs in early 2013.

The SEC, however, rejected in March last year the equity bourse’s applicatio­n to be exempted from the 20 percent limit set by Republic Act No. 8799, or The Securities Regulation Code, for any business group in owning the controller of an exchange.

As a result, the PSE failed to consummate share purchase agreements with WKH %DQNHUV $VVRFLDWLRQ of the Philippine­s, Finex Research and Developmen­t Foundation, Inc., Whistler Technology Services, Inc. and Insular Investment Corp, which then cumulative­ly owned a 40.06 percent stake in PDS.

³:H¶UH PRUH FRQ¿GHQW than last time because: one, we’ve been talking this with them for the last nine months now, so there have been a lot more back-and-forth. I think also the signals are there, let’s call it senior support IURP YDULRXV VWDNHKROGH­UV ´ Mr. Sicat said.

In disallowin­g the merger last year, the SEC raised the failure of the PSE to SUHVHQW ³FOHDU DQG FRQYLQFLQJ HYLGHQFH´ WKH DFTXLVLWLR­Q will not negatively impact the ability of PDS to operate in public interest, among other concerns.

The SEC neverthele­ss remained open to reconsider­ing the integratio­n of the PSE and PDS. In this light, the equities bourse revived its bid to acquire PDS in August 2016.

³:H¶UH ZRUNLQJ ZLWK the regulators with constant updates but we also agreed WKDW WKH ¿QDO IRUP ZLOO EH dependent on the commercial DJUHHPHQW ´ 0U 6LFDW VDLG noting the PSE and PDS only have one to two technical issues left unresolved.

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