The Freeman

Avoiding a fatal accident


Cebu is growing at an enormous rate, and so is the number of motorists. It's a given that the odds of getting into a driving accident increases when there are more cars on the road, such as during rush hour, or when driving conditions are less than optimal, as during periods of bad weather. But when the night falls and the number of alcohol influenced drivers increase, this is where the number of horrific accidents increases.

I would say that summer also contribute­s to the increasing number of fatal road mishaps as the summer season usually offers the best weather and driving conditions of the year and a higher volume of holiday travelers. With this includes a significan­tly higher number of alcohol influenced party goers who neglect the DUI laws.

In addition, drivers nowadays are more likely to engage in

"distracted driving" behavior, which is described as activities that can endanger the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrian­s. Examples of distracted driving include texting, using a cellphone, or grooming while driving.

Avoiding a head-on crash requires a lot of common sense. Here are some tips on how to prevent a fatal accident:

Reduce your speed. This is a no brainer that speed kills. Don't allow yourself to lose control if you have to take evasive action. Sudden braking will make you skid and lock the brakes. Slowing down may be hard to do in an open road, but following the speed limit or driving within your limits can greatly prevent fatal mishaps. If ever there is an impact, this will greatly reduce the damage done and the risk of fatality.

Be prepared. If you have to drive to the right, don't wait until the last second to do so. If you begin leaning to the right before the other car is directly in front of you, you have a higher chance of avoiding colliding with a solid object. If you must hit a solid object, try to glance swiftly off of it at the side of your car. Don't hit it headon. Remember that you may have some damage done to your car, but it will certainly be better than a head-on.

Drive to the right. Orient yourself to the right lane. Gutters are always better to collide with than an incoming vehicle. If the driver is swerving into your lane and you've reduced your speed, drive towards the right of the road. This increases the odds of the other driver going right by you, rather than colliding with you. Also, the driver may realize his or her mistake and quickly try to correct the situation.

In this case, you want to be as far right as possible, rather than left. If you are in the left and collide with him, it will be your fault in the eyes of the law.

Anytime you consume alcohol and drive, you increase your risk of being in a car accident. Highway patrol groups are more familiar with the data than you and common sense will tell you that DUI driving a dangerous and risky. If you plan to drink during periods when driving dangers are elevated, be aware of the consequenc­es. The law enforcers are now more determined to get intoxicate­d drivers off the public roads. This we assume.

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