The Freeman




1. Fictional deer

6. Display

10. Mend (archaic)

14. Homeric epic

15. Eastern discipline

16. Bucolic

17. Backside

18. Mobile phone

19. Arid

20. Sponge

22. Dirty air

23. Large luxurious car

24. Apprehensi­ve

26. Against

30. Not high

31. Gender

32. Sign of boredom

33. Sea eagle

35. “Smallest particles”

39. A part of a broadcast serial

41. Daytime performanc­e

43. Install (2 words)

44. Self-satisfied

46. Stringed instrument

47. One time around

49. Anagram of “Ail”

50. Former lovers

51. Someone held in bondage

54. Being

56. Warmth

57. Acculturat­e

63. Hindu princess

64. Within

65. Indian millet

66. Therefore

67. Maize

68. Consumer of food

69. Biblical garden

70. Prima donna problems

71. Slices of twice-baked bread


1. Clout

2. Winglike

3. Not yours

4. Curse

5. Eclogue

6. Maples

7. Square dance

8. Leer at

9. Large tusked sea mammal

10. Relating to a leap year

11. Swelling under the skin

12. Beginners

13. Mournful poem

21. Lubricated

25. Tidy

26. Yeses

27. Back of the neck

28. Blockhead

29. Protection

34. Colloids

36. Chalcedony

37. No more than


40. Iridescent gem

42. Discrimina­tion against the elderly

45. Musical master

48. Large European flatfish

51. Half of six

52. Listened to

53. Cooktop

55. Duck down

58. Kiss

59. Hawaiian feast

60. The products of human creativity

61. Journey

62. Hearing organs

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