The Freeman

Gate Feng Shui Refines Luck


Is yours the gate of Hell or of Heavenly Luck? Yes, there are two types of gates: the bad luck and good luck gates. But how does one know which is which?

Okay, the first secret when it comes to gates is: Any North Gate is taboo in feng shui. It lets in and lets loose the worst energies affecting health of the occupants of the place. Simply two major health matters: health of finances and physical body health!

This is why in Chinese feng shui, many a client avoids having North gates. The most common nationalit­y who by custom and tradition suffers this malady are the Hindus by religion or Indians in general. Simply because for them the North is the Gate of Life! But look at the poverty thriving in India's streets despite "economic growth."

Now who likes to know the gate of Pleasure? Not many a man or woman for that matter is right in thinking this gate is situated between one's legs! Neither eggs or lips! As the saying goes, loose lips sink ships!

Through the ages, the afternoon sun gate to the West has always been mankind's happy hour gate, where pleasure goes beyond the twilight view of beautiful sunsets every day. But one must be careful, for pleasure is quite different from happiness as it may cause pain!

Now do you know the gate of Hell for men? There are two gates of hell in feng shui: northeast and southwest. They enrich owners in nefarious ways! But in a Faustian mode: after 1.5 years cycle, it's a money or life trade-off! So these are the options for those who sell their soul to the devils!

• Gate to fame is South. But if careless, one gets burned if not the property.

• Gate of recovery is southeast. Best for life rebounder! Love and money.

• Scholarshi­p gate is at northeast, for academic and career promotion cum recognitio­n!

• Northwest gate attracts support of others.

• East gate is for progress!

So do you live or work in a lucky gated place? Just be wise on which gates to open or lock for luck.

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