The Freeman

The Importance of Proper Skin Care

- By Melinda Aranas

It is said that the skin is one’s frontline defense. Aptly so, because the skin being the outer layer of the body can really to ward off a lot of possible ailments. But that is true only if the skin is in excellent health.

Therefore, proper skin care is important to ensure that the skin is always in healthy condition. That means one needs to have a skin care routine. It need not be a fully laid out daily ritual, though, like beauty queens do.

But it is not falling asleep each night and not worrying too much about what is on one’s own skin, either. Taking care of the skin and developing a skin care routine is important, in order for this biggest body organ that works hard every day to protect the body from harmful elements to do its job better and longer. The website www.stockpilin­ brings up really sensible points about the necessity of a skin care routine:

The skin sheds itself daily.

Skin that is healthy one day is not guaranteed to stay that way the next. Skin cells shed just about every minute of every day – which means the healthy skin one has today will be shedding tomorrow. More so, even great skin if not properly cared for today could become dull, less-than-perfect skin in the following days. That’s a good reason to develop a daily skin care routine.

Nor all skin types are the same.

There may be people who don’t have a skin care routine and yet their skin looks great. Well, that is great for them. Actually, skin comes in different types; certain skin types are just naturally great-looking and more resistant to the elements, while others need regular care. But to play safe, it is good to have a daily skin care routine.

Beautiful skin is a lifelong process.

If one’s skin is to remain gorgeous 30 years from now, he or she has to make it happen – starting right now. Beautiful skin is a lifelong process, and developing a daily skin care routine now can help a lot in keeping one’s skin beautiful through the future. The opposite is also true; not caring for the skin now can ensure ugly skin in the future.

Prevention is easier.

There’s a saying: “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” Preventing potential skin problems now is easier than trying to fix skin issues in the future. Taking the time to develop a daily skin care routine takes less time than having to see dermatolog­ists or address skin issues as a result of neglect down the line.

A skin care routine saves money.

By taking care of the skin’s health, costly issues down the line can be avoided. If one doesn’t want to deal with acne scars, deep wrinkles, skin discolorat­ion, or other skin issues, a skin care routine now can prevent trips to a dermatolog­ist or plastic surgeon in the future to address these issues.

When one looks good, it feels good.

Having clean and clear skin can help boost a person’s confidence and make him or her look good. The face, for example, is the part of a person that others see first. So to make a good impression, especially on first meeting, one has to put his or her best face forward. A daily skin care routine can help achieve exactly this.

A skin care routine can help establish other healthy routines.

A skin care routine added to one’s other healthy living routines can develop better health habits overall, including oral care and hair-and-scalp routines.

Doing all these together can bring about a great look and feeling! And it can all the more motivate the person to stick to those positive habits.

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