The Freeman

Osteoporos­is Prevention


Women can build strong bones and help prevent osteoporos­is with weight-bearing exercise and a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Young women in particular need to be aware of their risk for osteoporos­is. They can take steps early on to slow its progress and prevent complicati­ons.

A lot of physical activity during the preteen and teen years increases bone mass and greatly reduces the risk of osteoporos­is in adulthood.

Along with diet and exercise, prevention includes not smoking and limiting alcohol. Women can do a lot to slow bone loss and prevent broken bones:

Get enough calcium and vitamin D.

Getting enough calcium and vitamin D is one of the first steps toward preventing or reducing the effects of osteoporos­is. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium, which is found in many foods, including dairy products such as milk and yogurt.

Take supplement­s, if need be.

If a woman suspect that she may not be getting enough calcium in her diet, she shall check with her doctor about taking calcium supplement­s. Experts recommend choosing supplement­s that are known brand names with proven reliabilit­y. Most brand-name calcium products are absorbed easily by the body. There is no scientific proof to support these claims by certain companies that praise the benefits of coral

calcium as a superior source of calcium and a cure for disease.

Get exercise.

Weight-bearing exercises (walking, jogging, stair climbing, dancing, or weight lifting), aerobics, and resistance exercises (using weights or elastic bands to help improve muscle strength) are all effective in increasing bone density and strength. These kinds of exercise may also help reduce the risk of falling or of breaking a bone.

Limit alcohol use.

Heavy alcohol use can decrease bone formation. It also increases the risk of falling. Heavy alcohol use is more than two drinks a day for men and more than one drink a day for women.

Don't smoke.

Smoking reduces bone density and speeds up the rate of bone loss.

Prevent falls.

Learn ways to prevent falls that might result in broken bones. Have your vision and hearing checked regularly. Wear slippers or shoes that have nonskid soles. Exercises that improve balance and coordinati­on, such as tai chi, can also reduce risk of falling. One can also make changes in her home to prevent falls.

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