The Freeman

Unsafe for the secured


I never really liked that place, that jail that is so controvers­ial today. Mandaue City Jail became the horror of my childhood after my grandfathe­r was committed to that facility when I was a young girl. It was said he was set up for rape, as that crime could be easily fabricated. My grandfathe­r, who spent most of his nights with family, was alleged to be with a young woman. It was far from impossible, I didn’t get see the whole story either. I was still young at that time, but I wish my grandpa was free.

The facility was too crowded for an old man like him. They slept on bunks made of wood with comfort rooms that were far from what a human should be using. The smell of smoke and human sweat filled every area of the facility, somehow I got used to it. That was then, I don’t know how it is now. It could have worsened I guess, especially when a gun was sneaked in.

That is what everyone is asking today. How and why did a gun slip through the supposedly strict security of the jail facility? The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology has admitted to having lapses with their own security but up until today they haven’t establishe­d the circumstan­ce behind how the gun appeared. Even inmate Steve Go whose life was taken inside the cell had a lot of contraband­s seized — on top of the many sachets of suspected illegal drugs, there were appliances found inside. Really, how did that happen?

The Commission on Human Rights also asked the same question. A subpoena has already been given to the facility asking for the reports. Until now, we all remain to be skeptical. A facility that was supposed to safeguard the welfare of the accused suddenly becomes unsafe. If they were indeed innocent but their lives were taken, then I don’t think there is justice at all.

My grandpa died inside that jail as well. Due to the harsh conditions of the facility, his frail body was not able to keep up. My memory of BJMP giving sympathy to our family is now blurred, I don’t even remember if there was anything at all.

My point is, if we want to preserve life and uphold human rights then we go by the rules made. These books were drafted and studied to fit a jail facility. If we don’t follow this at all or even adhere to strict rules, then detention is useless. The jail is supposed to rehabilita­te, not proliferat­e the business of illegal activities. The point is simple, but seems so hard for those who are easily tempted to understand.

The facility will remain in hot water until answers are given. We hope justice will be served and that illegaliti­es will be discovered. Those who have been switching sides in exchange for money will soon realize that it is not worth it all.

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