The Freeman

296 CCC scholars gather for 1st Scholars Congress

The energy was high as 296 Carmen Copper scholars from the 17 barangays of Toledo City gathered during the first Carmen Copper Scholars Congress on July 28, at De La Salle – Andres Soriano Memorial College in Barangay Don Andres Soriano, Toledo City.


The scholars from grade 7 through college have reasons to be hopeful as they now possess the greatest weapon they need to break free from extreme poverty – quality education.

The Scholars Congress aims to develop leadership traits and practical life skills to the Carmen Copper scholars, as they face their challenges and opportunit­ies during this critical season in their growing years.

Topics tackled during the congress include the crisis confrontin­g millennial­s such as the pressures of social media, digital technology, peer pressure, emotional intelligen­ce, leadership and finding ones identity and path.

“Carmen Copper is committed to actively raising the quality of life for each of you,” said Engr. Ignacio B. Alburo, Carmen Copper Assistant Vice President for Safety, Health, Environmen­t, Community Relations and External Affairs.

“We want all of you to achieve your full potential and reach your dreams so you will have a brighter future.”

Carmen Copper’s Scholarshi­p Program is one of its efforts in providing inclusive and quality education for all, as part of its Social Developmen­t and Management Program (SDMP) commitment.

To date, the company has supported 305 scholars whose lives were changed for the better. Five of them shared how:

A RAY OF SUNSHINE LeonAbella, fourth year, Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineerin­g student, lost both of his parents one after the other when he was eight. He was then left to fend for himself. With hard work and determinat­ion, Leon found a way to go back to school at the age of 15 and graduated from high school at 22. He had to work different odd jobs just to make this possible.

Being a Carmen Copper scholar, he said, set the path to a brighter future for him and most especially, gave him the sense of belonging.

First year Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineerin­g student Joan Margallo received not support, but resentment from her family when she begged them to send her to high school. At a young age, Joan already believed that education is her ticket out of poverty. She is a Carmen Copper scholar from Grade 7 until today as a Civil Engineerin­g student. “I want to build roads and highways and improve access to isolated communitie­s and pave the way for underprivi­leged children like me to a brighter tomorrow,” Joan said.

Jonalyn Juarez, a first year Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineerin­g student may be skinny and petite but she has the weight of her whole family’s future on her shoulders.

Her father is a carpenter who almost cannot make ends meet as he had to take care of her mother suffering from a kidney disease. “I remember it was very difficult at that time. My father had to buy expensive medicines for my mother. Then I learned about Carmen Copper’s scholarshi­p and things started to get better,” she said.

A scholar since Grade 7, Jona is now in college and aspired to be a Chemical Engineer one day. Being a Carmen Copper scholar, she said, helped her develop her self-esteem, find her courage and become resilient in the face of adversitie­s.

Grade 11 student Cherry Mae Dejora is a proud daughter of farmers from Barangay Bagakay, a mountain village in Toledo City. Despite lacking in material things, she is however rich in familial love and support. It was her parents who taught her the value of education.

“Since I was young, I always believed that as long as I can get quality education, I can go a long way in life,” she said. But with the meager income the family earns from farming, she was almost forced to leave school. “That was when my parents learned about the Carmen Copper Scholarshi­p Program and urged me to apply. The scholarshi­p was a ray of sunshine for me and I knew then I was a step closer to becoming a Chemical Engineer one day,” Cherry Mae said.

Meanwhile, poverty forced both of Grade 11 student Alex Sander Alfante’s parents to find jobs to raise their family of six.

“With my scholarshi­p, I will work hard to become a successful educator someday and help more children from poor families get quality education. No more children should be deprived of their parent’s love and attention because of poverty.”

 ??  ?? The 296 Carmen Copper scholars with Carmen Copper employees and staff led by Assistant Vice President for Safety, Health, Environmen­t, Community Relations and External Affairs during the Carmen Copper Scholars Congress on July 28, 2018 in Toledo City.
The 296 Carmen Copper scholars with Carmen Copper employees and staff led by Assistant Vice President for Safety, Health, Environmen­t, Community Relations and External Affairs during the Carmen Copper Scholars Congress on July 28, 2018 in Toledo City.

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