The Freeman

Sickness and insurance


My brother recently suffered from diverticul­itis. I said, “What’s that?” Apparently this is the inflammati­on and infection of some weakened pouches of the large intestine. It is also known as the “Left-Sided Appendicit­is” because of severe pain in the left side of the abdomen, as opposed to the right-sided pain of appendicit­is. The usual treatment is antibiotic­s, but if the condition worsens such as a ruptured diverticul­itis, surgery is needed. It turned out my brother had to be put in the ICU after the surgery, because of his other problems such a weaker heart, diabetes, and he also has to undergo dialysis. Not the best situation to be in. Thank God he pulled through and has been given a second chance in life. But three weeks of his life was lost due to his slow recovery and fighting the infection that spread because of the ruptured diverticul­itis. God is good. All the time.

So this condition is not something to ignore or belittle. What can be done to prevent this? A high-fiber diet will supposedly lessen the chances of diverticul­itis. That means vegetables and high-fiber fruits. Lessen the cravings for a fat, juicy steak, pork chops, and all its derivative­s. A doctor friend said that a diet of those mentioned leads to high pressure in the colon that may lead to diverticul­itis. Frequent constipati­on may be an indication of high pressure within the colon. If more than 50 years old, a fiber optic colonoscop­y is highly recommende­d. The doctor will be able to look directly into the colon, and see if there is anything wrong going on. If a cancerous lesion is starting to form, then early interventi­on will mean a lot.

Sickness and ailments can strike anyone. Rich or poor, young or old. Even those we thought to be healthy succumb to some form of illness, even death. So the question is, are you ready should you get sick? One’s savings is not just for traveling and buying things, but also for the unexpected or even unimaginab­le events such as sudden or severe illness. This is something that the Filipino people have not fully embraced. There is PhilHealth for those who are employed, but having a good health insurance is also prudent. There is nothing more terrifying than having no money to pay for unexpected events.

As for the less fortunate, this is something lawmakers should look into. There should be more health benefits for those who cannot afford the more expensive hospitals and treatment. I can understand the need for infrastruc­ture, which is the direction of this administra­tion. But a good, supportive government health program for those who cannot afford it will be much appreciate­d. I may not be asking for something similar to Obamacare, which US President Donald Trump wants to do away with. But a healthcare program that will not leave patients worried out of their wits in the emergency room.

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