The Freeman

Today in Christian History


he days are entering the rainy season. 7he rains as we know keeS ambient temSeratur­es down. $nd it¶s likely going to get colder as the days roll on.

7he cold days naturally summon thoughts of something hot. ,t does not only mean hot food or drink. ,t means too that the food or drink has to have body warming qualities that linger beyond the gustatory enMoyment of the treat.

,n &ebu ± and in other areas of the 9isayas and 0indanao ± a rainy day favorite drink is the “sikwate ” a chocolate drink made mainly from “tableya ” round shaSed Sure chocolate block made from locally grown cacao. &acao tree grows easily in the backyard. ,n some areas of the country cacao is even farmed in commercial quantities encouraged by the SoSular Senchant for the chocolate drink.

7here are many other uses for the cacao “tableya.” Bakers find it to be a good ingredient in breads cakes and Sastries. 7he thing has a distinct quality to it which effectivel­y carries on to whatever food Sroducts it is used in.

)or a hearty rainy day drink “tableya” is a handy material. ,t¶s easily available either at the suSermarke­ts or at small sari sari stores at the corner. 7he following reciSe ± a slight tweak of the one shared at www.SanlasangS­ ± is a samSle of how the traditiona­l “sikwate” itself can be Slayed uS for a more delicious cuS of hot chocolate drink. 0LON\ 6LNZDWH ZLWK 3HDQXW %XWWHU cuSs milk

Sieces &acao “7ableya” tablesSoon­s 3eanut Butter tablesSoon­s Brown 6ugar oStional

. ,n a Sot over medium heat heat milk Must until bubbles begin to form around the edge and steam begins to rise from the milk. 6tir regularly to Srevent film layer from forming.

. $dd the “tableya” and continue to cook stirring regularly until comSletely dissolved. $dd Seanut butter and stir until dissolved. ,f using sugar add at this Soint.

. 7ransfer into a serving Sot. 8sing hand mi[er whisk or “batidor ” twirl chocolate mi[ture for about to minutes or until frothy. ,f using a mechanical frother insert frother whisk into serving Sot and holding at a slight angle turn on and move uS and down for about to seconds or until frothy.

6erve hot.

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