The Freeman

Prayer: The Light In Life’s Dark Moments


One way or another, we all encounter “dark moments” in our lives. We live in an imperfect world after all where roads are not always easy to travel, and curve balls are thrown during the most unguarded and unexpected of situations.

During these moments, we tend to rut in a quagmire of confusion and doubt. We may feel like we’ve been thrown to the edge – reeling in pain as though we’ve been punched by a champion boxer.

“In our most difficult moments, in our most hopeless times, and in our darkest days, prayer is the way out,” shares Michele Coulette of deepspirit­

Prayer is not a last option, but our hope when the sailing gets rough and tough. It might not change a situation at a given moment, but it can change our views and perspectiv­es towards life’s dark moments.

We must not forget that God is a living God who is on top of the situation and is in control of everything. The impossible might be hard for us to internaliz­e, but what is impossible to man is possible to God. When there’s no way, God makes a way.

We only have to trust Him completely and anchor our faith and trust in Him.

I too have my own share of “dark moments” in my past, like when a relative had to defend a false accusation from his business partner in court. To immerse myself in the mercy of God, I knelt from the door of the Santo Nino Church to its altar to ask for God’s mercy and compassion.

In God’s own time, my prayer was granted. The case was dismissed in my relative’s favor. How truly merciful is our Lord. God is good and is good all the time. Halleluiah!

Weiter Coulette says “When we go through dark times, it can feel like we are completely alone and abandoned. But the Bible tells us that even in the deepest darkness, we are never alone. God always remains close to us, comforting us with His love and leading us out of the darkness.”

When we pray through our disappoint­ment. God brings us hope. Our only hope is to hope in God alone.

In dark moments, we have to learn not to give up. Don’t be impatient. Be entwined as one with the Lord, be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting for.

He will never disappoint you. When we pray through our discourage­ment, God brings inspiratio­n. Some of us once sat in darkness. We were prisoners to our pain, chained to our regrets.

Our own pain becomes our punishment, but in His time, He rescue will us. His light will break through the darkness and lead us to freedom from dark shadows.

God has shown me many times in my life that He brings guidance, comfort, hope, and inspiratio­n. As long as I pray, I will be able to get through dark times, and also help others out of theirs.

As Isaiah 41: 10 reminds, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God…”

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