The Philippine Star

Our Daily Bread

Avoid dehydratio­n


If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. — John 7:37

A couple of times in the past few years I’ve experience­d dehydratio­n and, believe me, it is not something I want to repeat. It happened once after I suffered a torn hamstring while cross-country skiing, and another time in the 115-degree heat of an Israeli desert. Both times I experience­d dizziness, disorienta­tion, loss of clear vision, and a host of other symptoms. I learned the hard way that water is vital to maintainin­g my wellbeing.

My experience with dehydratio­n gives me a new appreciati­on for Jesus’ invitation: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37). His announceme­nt was dramatic, particular­ly in terms of the timing. John notes that it was the last day of the “great feast” — the annual festival commemorat­ing the wandering of the Jews in the wilderness — which climaxed with a ceremonial pouring of water down the temple steps to recall God’s provision of water for the thirsty wanderers. At that point, Jesus rose and proclaimed that He is the water we all desperatel­y need.

Living like we really need Jesus — talking to Him and depending on His wisdom — is vital to our spiritual wellbeing. So, stay connected to Jesus, for He alone can satisfy your thirsty soul!

— Joe Stowell

Dear Lord, forgive me for thinking that I can do life without the water of Your presence, advice, counsel, comfort, and conviction. Thank You that You are indeed the living water that I so desperatel­y need.

READ: John 7:37-39

Come to Jesus for the refreshing power of His living water.

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