The Philippine Star

Beyond the Greek impasse

- By GEORGE FRIEDMAN Stratfor Global Intelligen­ce

The Greek situation – having perhaps outlived the term “crisis,” now that it has taken so long to unfold – appears to have finally reached its terminal point. This is, of course, an illusion: It has been at its terminal point for a long time.

The terminal point is the juncture where neither the Greeks nor the Germans can make any more concession­s. In Greece itself, the terminal point is long past. Unemployme­nt is at 26 percent, and more than 50 percent of youths under 25 are unemployed. Slashed wages, particular­ly in the state sector, affecting profession­s including physicians and engineers, have led to massive underemplo­yment. Meanwhile, most new economic activity is occurring in the untaxable illegal markets. The Greeks owe money to EU institutio­ns and the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, all of which acquired bad Greek debts from banks that initially lent funds to Greece in order to stabilize its banking sector. No one ever really thought the Greeks could pay back these loans.

The European creditors – specifical­ly, the Germans, who have really been the ones controllin­g European negotiatio­ns with the Greeks – reached their own terminal point more recently. The Germans are powerful but fragile. They export about a quarter of their gross domestic product to the European free trade zone, and anything that threatens this trade threatens Germany’s economy and social stability. Their goal has been to keep intact not only the euro, but also the free trade zone and Brussels’ power over the European economy.

Germany has so far avoided an extreme crisis point by coming to an endless series of agreements with Greece that the Greeks couldn’t keep and that no one expected them to keep, but which allowed Berlin to claim that the Greeks were capitulati­ng to German demands for austerity. This alleged capitulati­on helped Germany keep other indebted European countries in line, as financiall­y vulnerable nations witnessed the apparent folly of contemplat­ing default, demanding debt restructur­ing and confrontin­g rather than accommodat­ing the European Union.

Greece and the Cypriot situation

For the Germans, Greece represente­d a dam. What was behind the dam was unknown, and the Germans couldn’t tolerate the risk of it breaking. A Greek default would come with capital controls such as those seen in Cyprus, probably trade barriers designed to protect the Greek economy, and a radical reorientat­ion of Greece in a new strategic direction. If that didn’t lead to economic and social catastroph­e, then other European countries might also choose to exercise the Greek option. Germany’s first choice to avoid the default was to create the illusion of Greek compliance. Its second option was to demonstrat­e the painful consequenc­es of Greece’s refusal to keep playing the first game.

This was the point of the Cyprus affair. Cyprus had reached the point that it simply could not live up to the terms of its debt repayment agreements. The proEU government agreed under pressure to seize money in bank accounts holding more than 100,000 euros (around $112,000) and use that money to make good on at least some of the payments due. But assigning a minimum account balance hardly served to lessen the blow or insulate ordinary Cypriots. A retiree, after all, may easily have more than 100,000 euros in savings. And hotels or energy service companies (which are critical to the Cypriot economy) certainly have that much in their accounts. The Germans may have claimed the Cypriot banking system contained primarily Russian money, but – although it undoubtedl­y contained plenty of Russian funds – most of the money in the system actually represente­d wealth saved and used by Cypriots in the course of their lives and business. The result of raiding those accounts was chaos. Cypriot companies couldn’t pay wages or rent, and the economy basically froze until the regulation­s were eventually eased – though they have never been fully repealed.

The Germans were walking a fine line in advocating this solution. Rather than play the pretend game they had played in Greece, they chose to show a European audience the consequenc­es of genuine default. But those consequenc­es rested on a dubious political foundation. Obviously the Cypriot public was devastated and appalled by their political leaders’ decision to comply with

Germany’s demands. But even more significan­t, the message received by the rest of Europe was that the consequenc­es of resistance would be catastroph­ic only if a country’s political leadership capitulate­d to EU demands. Seizing a large portion of Cypriot private assets to pay public debts set an example, but not the example the Germans wanted. It showed that compliance with debt repayments could be disastrous in the short run, but only if the indebted country’s politician­s let it happen. And with that came another, unambiguou­s lesson: The punishment for non-compliance, however painful, was also survivable – and far preferable to the alternativ­es.

The rise of Syriza

Enter the Coalition of the Radical Left party, known as Syriza, one of the numerous Euroskepti­c parties that have emerged in recent years. Many forces combined to drive pro-EU factions out of power, but certainly one of them was the memory of the behavior of pro-EU politician­s in Cyprus. The Greek public was well aware Athens would not be able to repay outstandin­g debt on anything even vaguely resembling the terms set by the pro-EU politician­s. Cognizant of the Cypriot example, they voted their own EU-friendly leaders out, making room for a Euroskepti­c administra­tion.

Syriza ran on a platform basically committing to ease austerity in Greece, maintain critical social programs, and radically restructur­e the country’s debt obligation­s, insisting that creditors share more of the debt burden. EU-friendly parties and individual­s – and the Germans in particular – tended to dismiss Syriza. They were used to dealing with pro-EU parties in debtor countries that would adopt a resistant posture for their public audience while still accepting the basic premise put forth by Germany and the European Union – that in the end, the responsibi­lity to repay debts was the borrower’s. Regardless of their public platform, these parties therefore accepted austerity and the associated social costs.

Syriza, however, did not. A moral argument was underway, and the Germans were tone deaf to it. The German position on debt was that the borrower was morally responsibl­e for it. Syriza countered that, in effect, the lender and the borrower actually shared moral responsibi­lity. The borrower may be obligated to avoid incurring debts that he could not repay, but the lender, they argued, was also obligated to practice due diligence in not lending money to those who were unable to repay. Therefore, though the Greeks had been irresponsi­ble for carelessly borrowing money, the European banks that originally funded Greece’s borrowing spree had also been irresponsi­ble in allowing their greed to overwhelm their due diligence. And if, as the Germans have quietly claimed, Greek borrowers misled them, the Germans still deserved what happened to them, because they did not practice more rigorous oversight – they saw only euro signs, just as the bankers did when they signed off on loans to Greece rather than restrainin­g themselves.

The story of Greece is a tale of irresponsi­ble borrowing and irresponsi­ble lending. Bankruptcy law in European and American culture is a system of dualities, where expectatio­ns for prudent behavior are placed on both the debtor and creditor. The debtor is expected to pay everything he can under the law, and when that is ability is expended, the creditor is effectivel­y held morally responsibl­e for his decision to lend. In other words, when the debtor goes bankrupt, the creditor loses his bet on the debtor, and the loan is extinguish­ed.

But there are no bankruptcy laws for nation-states, because there is no sovereign power to administer them. Thus, there is no disinteres­ted third party to adjudicate national bankruptcy. There are no sovereign laws dictating the point where a nation is unable to repay its debt, no overarchin­g power that can grant them the freedom to restructur­e debts according to law. Nor are there any circumstan­ces where the creditor is simply deemed out of luck.

Without these factors, something like the Greek situation emerges. The creditors ruthlessly pursue the debtor, demanding repayment as a first priority. Any restructur­ing of the debt is at the agreement of creditor and debtor. In the case of Cyprus, the government was prepared to protect the creditors’ interests. But in Greece’s case, Syriza is not prepared to do so. Nor is it prepared, if we believe what the party says, to simply continue crafting interim lies with the country’s creditors. Greece needs to move on from this situation, and another meaningles­s postponeme­nt only postpones the day of reckoning – and postpones recovery.

The logic and repercussi­ons of a Grexit

A Greek withdrawal from the eurozone would make sense. It would create havoc in Greece for a while, but it would allow the Greeks to negotiate with Europe on equal terms. They would pay Europe back in drachmas priced at what the Greek Central Bank determines, and they could unilateral­ly determine the payments. The financial markets would be closed to them, but the Greeks would have the power to enact currency controls as well as trade regulation­s, turning their attention from selling to Europe, for example, to buying from and selling to Russia or the Middle East. This is not a promising future, but neither is the one Greece is heading toward now.

Many have made a claim that a Greek exit could lead the euro to collapse. This claim seems baffling at first. After all, Greece is a small country, and there is no reason why its actions would have such far-reaching effects on the shared currency. But then we remember Germany’s primordial fear: that Greece could set a precedent for the rest of Europe. This would be impossible if the rest of Europe was doing well, but it is not. Spain, for example, has unemployme­nt figures almost as terrible as Greece’s. Some have pointed out that Spain is now one of the fastest-growing countries in Europe, which would be impressive if growth rates in the rest of Europe weren’t paralyzed. Similarly, Spain’s unemployme­nt rate has fallen – to a mere 23 percent. Those who are still enthused about the European Union take such trivial improvemen­ts as proof of a radical shift. I see them as background noise in an ongoing train wreck.

The pain of a Greek default and a withdrawal from the eurozone would be severe. But if others see Greece as a forerunner of events, rather than an exception, they may calculate that the pain of unilateral debt restructur­ing makes sense and gives Greeks a currency that they can at last manage themselves. The fear is that Greece may depart from the euro, not because of any institutio­nal collapse, but because of a keen awareness that sovereign currencies can benefit nations in pain – which many of Europe’s countries are.

I do appreciate that the European Union was meant to be more than an arena for debtors and creditors. It was to be a moral arena in which the historical agony of European warfare was abolished. But while the idea that European peace depends on prosperity may be true, that prosperity has been lost. Economies rise and fall, and Europe’s have done neither in tandem. Some are big winners, like Germany, and many are losers, to a greater or lesser degree. If the creation of a peaceful European civilizati­on rests on prosperity, as the founding EU document claims, Europe is in trouble.

The problem is simple. The core institutio­ns of the European Union have functioned not as adjudicato­rs but as collection agents, and the Greeks have learned how ruthless those agents can be when aided by collaborat­ive government­s like Cyprus. The rest of the Europeans have also realized as much, which is why Euroskepti­c parties are on the rise across the union. Germany, the country most threatened by growing anti-EU sentiment, wants to make clear that debtors face a high price for defiance. And if resistance is confined to Greece, the Germans will have succeeded. But if, as I think it will, resistance spreads to other countries, the revolt of the debtor states against the union will cause major problems for Germany, threatenin­g the economic powerhouse’s relationsh­ip with the rest of Europe.

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