The Philippine Star

How to drive through a flooded street


The rainy season is here again and with the constant thundersto­rms come the threat of flash floods. If there’s one thing you should remember is that cars aren’t made to swim. Despite the countless marketing hype over water-wading depth and ground clearance, the best weapon to cross a flooded street is an intelligen­t decision. And now is a great time to refresh yourself with the proper way of driving through a flood.

If you can, avoid crossing

In North America, nearly half of all flood-related deaths occur in vehicles. Most of these deaths take place when people drive onto flooded roads. That’s a very alarming statistic. So, the simplest tip of crossing a flooded road: if you can avoid crossing it in the first place, then don’t cross it at all. If you can, wait the flood out or take a detour. Stay at a coffee shop or do some window shopping. It may take extra hours to get home, but at least you won’t be going home in a box (or complain about your two-ton paper weight in front of TV cameras). If your gut feel tells you it’s dangerous to cross that road, it’s probably right.

Consider this fact from the United States Search and Rescue Task Force: for each foot the water rises, 500 lbs (226 kgs) of lateral force is applied to the car. For each foot the water rises up the side of a stopped (or stalled) car, the car displaces 1,500 lbs (680 kgs) less for each foot the water rises. Therefore, a stationary car will float in just two feet (60 cm) of flooded water.

Stop, look, and listen

If there’s an emergency or you just want to go home that badly then stop, look, and listen before attempting to cross an inundated road. There’s no way for you to determine the exact height of flood waters, but you can use landmarks to determine the level of the water. Road sign, markers, and even curbs allow you to ascertain the depth. If you’re not familiar with the area, you can ask traffic enforcers, policemen, or even check the MMDA twitter feed to let you know if that area’s passable or not.

If you still feel that it’s unsafe to cross the flooded area, you can always wait until another vehicle takes the plunge. By allowing someone else to go first, you’ll be able to tell the depth of the water and to establish if driving on it is worth the risk to your life and vehicle.

Slowing down will get you through

Even when the flood’s just a couple of centimeter­s, always remember to drive cautiously and reduce your speed. A thin sheet of water can cause you to hydroplane— a dangerous scenario in which you lose control of your vehicle because you skidded over the road surface. Remember, tires have a limit and the best of them cannot cope with copious amounts of water.

When you’ve decided to forge ahead and take the plunge through the flood waters, always remain in first gear. You need to keep your engine revs up while remaining in low speeds. In a manual transmissi­on car, that’s easy: simply keep your car in first gear, depress the clutch to help rev the engine. In an automatic transmissi­on car, shift to L or 1 and then apply the throttle.

Courtesy to others, safety to you

The best way to negotiate a flooded street is to remain at a safe and comfortabl­e distance away from the vehicle ahead and behind you. Aim to drive through the crown of the road (normally the middle part) as it’s the highest part. Drive slowly and avoid creating a ‘bow wave’—a large wave of water in front of your vehicle, as it can easily swamp the other cars beside you. And remember, a large enough bow wave will make water wash back into your engine, which can damage it irreparabl­y.

Once past the floodwater, remember to tap on your brakes repeatedly to dry them off. If you can pull over to the side of the road, do a spot check to make sure that all your car’s systems are in working order before driving off. If you’ve noticed something wrong ( i. e. electronic­s going crazy), and your car remains drivable, head to the nearest repair shop. Otherwise, don’t risk it and call for roadside assistance.

Your car isn’t worth your life

If at any time during the crossing you feel your wheels start to lose grip, it could be that your car is trying to float. Rather than risk losing control of your car and floating about in flood water, you have to counter this floating sensation by sacrificin­g your car by allowing some water into it. This will effectivel­y weigh it down, enabling the tires to grip again. If you have a passenger, best let him or her do this, meaning opening the windows or doors, so you can concentrat­e on driving and continuous­ly revving the engine.

And if you need to abandon your vehicle for your safety, then do so. Whatever your car costs, it’s not worth your life. And besides, you ticked off ‘Acts of God’ coverage in your car’s insurance, right?

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