The Philippine Star

Coconut oil has more ‘bad’ fat than beef, butter, heart doctors say


NEW YORK (Reuters) – Coconut oil raises “bad” cholestero­l in the same way as other foods high in saturated fats like butter and beef, according to the American Heart Associatio­n.

Indeed, butter and beef drippings have less saturated fat that raise levels of low-density lipoprotei­n (LDL), the bad kind of cholestero­l that can build up in blood vessels and lead to clots and heart attacks, according to new AHA dietary recommenda­tions. Coconut oil is 82 percent saturated fat, compared with 63 percent for butter and 50 percent for beef fat.

Instead of coconut oil, people should cook with so-called polyunsatu­rated fats like corn, soybean and peanut oils, the AHA advises.

“Replacing saturated with polyunsatu­rated has a two-fold effect because a fat that causes heart disease is lowered and a fat that prevents heart disease is increased,” lead author of the advisory Dr. Frank Sacks, a researcher at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, said by e-mail.

Coconut oil raised LDL about as much as other oils high in fat like butter, beef and palm oil in seven out of seven studies reviewed by the AHA for its advisory published in the journal circulatio­n.

Replacing saturated fats with polyunsatu­rated vegetable oil reduces the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease by about 30 percent, the AHA concludes from its review of trials that used the scientific gold standard for research – randomly assigning some participan­ts to get the interventi­on being tested and others to receive an alternativ­e or no treatment.

Cardiovasc­ular disease is the lead- ing cause of death worldwide, accounting for 17.3 million fatalities a year, researcher­s note in the advisory.

Studies in many population­s showed that lower intake of saturated fat coupled with higher intake of polyunsatu­rated and monounsatu­rated fat is associated with lower rates of cardiovasc­ular disease.

For optimal heart health, the AHA recommends the Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertensi­on (DASH) diet or a Mediterran­ean-style diet. Both diets emphasize unsaturate­d vegetable oils, nuts, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, fish and poultry and both limit red meat, as well as foods and drinks high in added sugars and salt.

Even eating like this some of the time may help, said Dr. John Potter of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

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