The Philippine Star

Salute to our heroic soldiers


As the war rages on in Marawi, it claimed the lives of many of our soldiers – as they heroically repel the rebellion of the Maute brothers, allegedly connected with the dreaded ISIS. It caused the grave difficulti­es, sufferings, and massive dislocatio­n of several thousands of our Maranaw sisters and brothers.

Their deaths are not in vain ...for we are forever grateful for laying their lives on line, so the rest of the Filipino race, shall live in peace and free. Our beloved Inang Bayan intact ... as handed down to us by our forebears, who valiantly, courageous­ly, heroically fought that we remain free.

It behooves upon all Filipinos to nurture, protect, defend our challenged freedom whenever needed. To all our heroic soldiers now fighting in Marawi and in other parts of our beloved land ... we salute, honor, and are grateful beyond words for the sacrifices, sufferings, grave risks you go through. For valiantly defending our beloved Motherland in our continuing quest for lasting peace and prosperity shared by all Filipinos!

To their loving, supportive families … fully cognizant of the hardships, physical, mental, and emotional tolls these conflicts inflict on them … our sympathy, appreciati­on, gratefulne­ss. We thank you most profusely for your valuable contributi­on.

Sainyong lahat, ang aming taus-puso at WALANG HANGGANG PASASALAMA­T! Our fervent prayers are with you every hour... That our Almighty God help, bless, lead, and protect you all to safety and victory most expeditiou­sly. MABUHAY, GOD BLESS AND PROTECT YOU ALL... AT ALL TIMES! “Ang bayan ko’y tanging ikaw, PILIPINAS KONG MAHAL… ang puso ko at buhay man saiyo’y ibibigay, tungkulin kong gagampanan na lagi kang paglingkur­an, ang laya mo’y babantayan, PILIPINAS KONG HIRANG.”!!! – ELVIRA PUNZALAN-ESTAVILLO,

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