The Philippine Star

The terrifying relevance of ‘Death Note’

The recent reiteratio­n of ‘Death Note’ feels like a morbid parable presenting the inexplicab­le quandary that our world is divided by the fact that there are so many evils and so little goodness to choose from.


Help her,” exclaims the eightfoot-tall spiky creature whose fiendishly fiery eyes are the only things visible in the shadows he hides in.

Light, the high school brooder who chances upon the leather-bound notebook while exchanging longing glances with the cheerleade­r he knows he can never have a chance to date, only needs to write down the name of the bully whom he sees from the window of the detention hall harassing another student in his peculiar notebook. He knows the consequenc­es of writing the name: The name’s owner will die in the manner of Light’s choosing, which he also needs to write. Despite that knowledge, he still writes the name, and interestin­gly, he chooses decapitati­on. In an ingeniousl­y spectacula­r sequence that is reminiscen­t of the many freak deaths that made Final Destinatio­n and its sequels so irresistib­ly enjoyable despite the repetition of the formula, the bully is viciously decapitate­d by a speeding ladder that falls from a truck. The death and its morbid consequenc­es are all in the name of Light’s desire to help.

Adam Wingard’s adaptation of Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata’s 12-volume manga is a misshapen piece of work.

His film does many things at once, from relocating the entire plot from Japan to Seattle to cherry-picking from the narrative the many key sequences that hold the lengthy original material together amid the basic conceit of a rules-laden notebook that grants its wielder the power to anonymousl­y kill. While Wingard’s version is undoubtedl­y a clunky mess, it is still very clear what it wants to echo from manga and the hugely popular Japanese anime that it spawned. The film is obviously not interested in the suspensefu­l battle of wits between Light and L, which Wingard and his team of writers reduce to a series of uninspired exposition­s and conversati­ons.

What Wingard is more interested in is the material’s portrayal of the complexiti­es of both good and evil. He turns the original Light from the almost perfect wielder of god-like powers to a kid whose above-average mental prowess is countered by his susceptibi­lity to the emotional upheavals of any other teenager. This Death Note is less an intellectu­al affair that delves into the mindsets of people gifted with both human and supernatur­al powers who are engaging each other in a game of cat-and-mouse, and more a character study of a morally confused do-gooder and his efforts to be the lesser evil in a world his simplistic perspectiv­e believes is ridden with monsters deserving of death. This film is almost a love story with its desire to include a romantic angle that will inevitably cloud Light’s decisions and introduce to his power-wielding another mind that is less conscienti­ous and more self-serving than his. In a way, Wingard’s version, despite its glaring faults and issues, is closer to this world, since its conflicted protagonis­t feels like he can be any one of us.

In a way, this most recent reiteratio­n of Death Note feels like a morbid parable that strives to present the inexplicab­le quandary that our world is being divided by the fact that there are so many evils and so little goodness to choose from.

We live in a world where the power to decide the fates of millions lies in the hands of very few. Some are overwhelmi­ngly elected into power. Some are born into it. Some grab it forcefully. Some have appearance­s of propriety and control. Some wield their power with immature boorishnes­s, directing people with insensitiv­ity and expletives that add spectacle to policies that dangerousl­y cross the borders of what is ethical and, more importantl­y, what is human.

It is not entirely difficult to imagine these leaders being egged on by demons to write their morally questionab­le directives with the same word that convinced Light to commit his first murder: “Help.”

 ??  ?? Light Turner finds himself pursued by a famous detective known as L.
Light Turner finds himself pursued by a famous detective known as L.
 ??  ?? Death Note is now available to watch on Netflix.
Death Note is now available to watch on Netflix.
 ??  ??

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