The Philippine Star

Prolonged steroid intake harmful to health


An orthopedic expert from the Philippine General Hospital has cautioned gym enthusiast­s against prolonged intake of steroids to build their muscles, saying it could weaken their bones.

“Steroids should not be taken if they are not prescribed by doctors. They are not vitamins that can enlarge your muscles. Steroids are not for those purposes,” PGH - Department of Orthopedic­s trauma consultant Irewin Tabu said during the launch by the University of the Philippine­s-PGH of the Orthogeria­tric Multidisci­plinary Fracture Management Model and Fracture Liaison Service.

The launch was in line with World Osteoporos­is Day last Friday.

Tabu said gym enthusiast­s who take high-dose steroids for prolonged periods are prone to avascular necrosis, a condition characteri­zed by the death of the bone tissue due to lack of blood supply.

“They may not feel the effects now but later in life, when they are 50 or 55, they will likely develop osteoporos­is. Their bones are softer compared with those who did not take steroids for a long term,” he said.

The program, spearheade­d by the UP-PGH’s orthogeria­tric multidisci­plinary team, was designed to raise awareness on osteoporos­is, one of the emerging diseases that is expected to have severe consequenc­es to Filipino families if not addressed immediatel­y.

Low awareness

PGH - Department of Orthopedic chairman Edward Wang, meanwhile, said more than half of the Filipino elderly are at risk of osteoporos­is but awareness about the is condition is still very low.

“With a growing elderly population in the Philippine­s, osteoporos­is is one of the emerging diseases that will have severe consequenc­es to millions of Filipinos and their families if not addressed and given attention immediatel­y,” he said.

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