The Philippine Star

Informatio­n from a man’s cave


Avaluable imprint. That is what is left when stories go down the line of history. When I first met Presidenti­al Communicat­ions Operations Office Secretary Martin Andanar, I was both humbled and amazed by the task at hand. His creative passion to match story telling with technology stemmed from ideas he waited many years to put to life.

“Martin’s Mancave” as many of his followers know, was the Secretary’s way of putting music and issues together in order to connect him with people. It was a window for people to see him so transparen­tly like “a suspect being investigat­ed” as we got a first hand look into a dark yet chill atmosphere which was actually within the confines of the Secretary’s own room.

Like a mini studio equipped with music and a chill vibe, it was no surprise that even the millennial­s who as we know are the quickest when it comes to technology, became so attracted to a program that bridged ideas between generation­s.

Eventually, it was this very same transparen­cy that became one of the cornerston­es of the Duterte administra­tion’s policy, and armed with his ideas prior to his appointmen­t, Secretary Andanar leveled up by explaining programs through stories.

At the time of President Corazon Aquino where great writers such as Teddy Boy Locsin effectivel­y communicat­ed its thrust to the people, today, and as communicat­ions priorities evolve, the PCOO is filled with people who understand social media and the type of storytelli­ng necessary to make the right connection­s.

With millions online, the Presidenti­al Communicat­ions Operations Office has an engagement in the hundreds of thousands. With stories such as Boracay for example, online engagement­s made people part of the rehabilita­tion process even from the comfort of their own home, throughout the country, and including our countrymen abroad.

Seeing actual footage of people coming together with government in bringing life back to an island that one can say was dying, communicat­ions via social media provided a platform for people enabling them to participat­e.

And while criticism may not always be constructi­ve, “reaching out” to people is effective based on online engagement­s. The idea of storytelli­ng using social media appeals to an extremely wide range of viewers wherein the actual “patent” of an art with technology creates a multiplier effect.

As part of the team, I asked the Secretary about the legacy he wanted to leave behind and like a good soldier, his only concern is to be there for a President that simply wants to deliver.

Being a broadcaste­r for 21 years, creating programs and platforms became the very same key for Martin to disseminat­e the right informatio­n together with a team who believed in him.

As for a legacy he hopes to leave behind, the Secretary goes by the words the President himself told him … “Ambition is not enough … the only thing that can bind you is love.”

With the thousands of people connecting to the Communicat­ions Office, engagement­s seem to reflect this exact message of the President that is binding a nation bullish about change.

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