The Philippine Star


God’s sandpaper


As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. – Proverbs 27:17

My friend’s words stung. Trying to sleep, I battled to stop mulling over her pointed comments about my strong opinions. As I lay there, I asked for God’s wisdom and peace. Several weeks later, still concerned about the matter, I prayed, “I hurt, Lord, but show me where I need to change. Show me where she’s right.”

My friend had acted as God’s sandpaper in my life. My feelings felt rubbed raw, but I sensed that how I responded would lead to the building of my character—or not. My choice was to submit to the smoothing process, confessing my pride and stubborn stance. I sensed that my bumps and imperfecti­ons didn’t glorify the Lord.

King Solomon knew that life in community could be difficult, a theme he addressed in the book of Proverbs. In chapter 27, we see his wisdom applied to relationsh­ips. He likens the sharp words between friends as iron sharpening iron: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (v. 17), shaving off the rough edges in each other’s behavior. The process may bring about wounds, such as the hurt I felt from my friend’s words (see v. 6), but ultimately the Lord can use these words to help and encourage us to make needed changes in our attitude and behavior.

How might the Lord be smoothing out your rough edges for His glory?

– Amy Boucher Pye Lord, this shaping process hurts, but I want to submit to the process. Mold me and smooth me.

READ: Proverbs 27:5–17

The Lord allows our rough edges to be smoothed over through the sandpaper of life.

Bible in a Year: Psalms 40–42 and Acts 27:1–26

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