The Philippine Star

‘Commit suicide rather than suffer humiliatio­n’


President Duterte urged uniformed personnel to die with dignity rather than suffer humiliatio­n at the hands of enemies of the state.

He said the police and soldiers should use their last three bullets to shoot themselves if they are cornered.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the Motorcycle Riding Course and Motorcycle Riding Safety Training held at Rancho Palos Verdes Clubhouse on Friday, Duterte said he does not want to see his men suffer at the hands of the enemy.

Duterte, who has asked Congress to allow martial law in Mindanao for another year, said the war against terrorism and communist rebellion will continue, especially in Jolo where he plans to deploy a division of soldiers.

“Now, in a few days, I’m transferri­ng one division to Jolo (that I deployed) a fortnight ago,” he said.

At the same event, Duterte, an avid motorcycli­st, lectured about road safety to the policemen who graduated from the motorcycle course.

“I am glad to join you today as we honor the graduating LYCANS of the Motorcycle Riding Safety Training Class and the Motorcycle Riding Course [Class] 2018,” he said.

Duterte commended more than 200 graduates from the various units of the uniformed services who finished the training programs on proper riding techniques and road safety.

Duterte also lauded the Philippine National Police- Highway Patrol Group for embodying the administra­tion’s thrust in championin­g traffic enforcemen­t and safe motorcycle riding.

The President said the agency’s dedication in fostering greater awareness of road safety and traffic issues through a capacity building program is “noteworthy.”

Duterte cited the graduates for their crucial role in promoting the proper safety mindset and riding proficienc­y to ensure the safety of road and traffic conditions.

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