The Philippine Star

And now AI: How are we responding?

- By MARIA SHARON MAPA ARRIOLA Maria Sharon Mapa Arriola is the Dean for the School of New Media Arts (SNMA) of the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde (DLS-CSB).

The effects and impact of ChatGPT, a chatbot driven by Artificial Intelligen­ce (AI) technology, are now being discussed and debated in the academe. As a language processing tool powered by AI, it can answer questions, compose emails, write essays, poems and even code. If AI can provide answers to academic tests, what other methods of assessment should we explore? How do we respond to these challenges?

Although still in its infancy with a limited set of data to work with, ChatGPT acknowledg­es its weaknesses. Given the ability of AI to provide general informatio­n, it only offers leads and ideas. It tells us that AI has not replicated the thought process of humans. And my conversati­on with ChatGPT has proven that.

Me: How do these emerging technologi­es, ChatGPT and Google Bard AI, affect Philippine education, and what can educators do about it?

“As a language model AI, I don’t have personal experience­s or opinions, but here’s my answer:

The emergence of ChatGPT and Google Bard AI has the potential to greatly impact the Philippine education system.

ChatGPT: This technology can provide students with instant access to informatio­n. ChatGPT can also help teachers answer students’ questions, grade assignment­s and provide personaliz­ed feedback.

Google Bard AI: This technology can help educators create educationa­l content that is engaging, interactiv­e and relevant to students.

To address the impact of these technologi­es, educators can:

Embrace technology: Educators should take advantage of these technologi­es and incorporat­e them into their teaching methods.

Provide training: Educators should provide training to teachers and students on how to use these technologi­es.

Foster critical thinking: Educators should encourage students to develop the skills to evaluate the reliabilit­y and accuracy of informatio­n provided.”

As AI intends to make education more personaliz­ed, accessible, and engaging, this might decrease the critical thinking abilities and personal interactio­n with humans. It is important to be aware of these potential challenges and to take steps to address them.

Me: What are the negative implicatio­ns of these new technologi­es for education?

Accessibil­ity and equity: Not all students may have equal access to these technologi­es.

Job losses: The increased use of AI in education could lead to job losses for teachers and other educationa­l profession­als.

Privacy and security concerns: The use of personal data and student informatio­n in educationa­l technology raises serious privacy and security concerns.

Technical challenges: The integratio­n of new technology into the classroom may bring technical difficulti­es and limitation­s.

Limited personal interactio­n: The use of technology in education could lead to a decrease in personal interactio­n between students and teachers.”

Given these issues, should we be compelled to revisit our current approaches in teaching to make sure students are given equal access and opportunit­y?

Me: How do we ensure that learning is still achieved?

“Here are a few strategies that can help: Maintain a human-centered approach: This should not replace the human element entirely.

Encourage creativity and innovation: AI technologi­es can support the learning process, but they should not stifle creativity or discourage students from thinking outside the box.

Balance technology use with hands-on experience­s: Hands-on experience­s and real-world applicatio­ns is an important part of the learning process.

Foster a growth mindset: Emphasize the importance of a growth mindset and encourage students to view challenges and mistakes as opportunit­ies for growth.”

Hands-on experience and applicatio­n to the real word are highly emphasized as vital components of learning. Combining AI technologi­es can help our students prepare and respond to the future work environmen­t.

Me: How will creatives be impacted by AI?

“The creative industries, such as art, design, music and writing, are less likely to be directly impacted by AI in the same way that some other industries might be.

Content creation: AI can already generate basic text and images.

Artistic tools: AI may also lead to new tools and techniques for artists and designers.

Inspiratio­n: AI can also serve as a source of inspiratio­n for creatives, by providing new insights, patterns and possibilit­ies that may not have been otherwise apparent.”

This can still be taken in a positive light if treated as tools to develop, explore and experiment ideas and concepts – and not as an end in itself. It can be treated as part of the creative process, not the end product. Me: What about the issue of intellectu­al property? “The issue of intellectu­al property and AI is an important and complex one that is still being sorted out. In general, AI-generated content is considered to be the property of the person or entity that created the AI system, but there are a number of legal and ethical considerat­ions that must be taken into account.

Ownership of AI-generated content: Some argue that the person who created the content should be considered the author, while others argue that the AI system should be considered the creator.

Copyright: In many countries, copyright laws are designed to protect the rights of human authors, and it is unclear how these laws will apply to AI-generated content.

Attributio­n: Even if the ownership of AI-generated content is clear, the issue of attributio­n remains a challenge.

Responsibi­lity: If AI systems generate content that infringes on someone else’s intellectu­al property or causes harm in some way, who should be held responsibl­e?

Given these complex issues, it is important for policymake­rs, legal experts and others to work together to create a clear and fair framework for intellectu­al property and AI.

In discussing possible impact of AIdriven technologi­es in education, we should include the issues on equitable access to informatio­n, how AI can complement and enhance human creativity and the importance of using them ethically and productive­ly.

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