The Philippine Star

Israel, Gaza and double standards, including our own

- By Nicholas Kristof The New York Times

Does the West have a double standard when it comes to Israel, pouncing on everything it does with undue harshness?

When he was challenged about the bloodshed in the Gaza Strip on “Face the Nation” last weekend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel responded, “What would America do” after something like the Oct. 7 Hamas attack? “Would you not be doing what Israel is doing? You’d be doing a hell of a lot more.”

Rabbi Marvin Hier in The Jerusalem Post condemned “an unpreceden­ted double standard” that relentless­ly criticizes Israel’s bombing of Gaza but is unbothered by the Allied bombing of civilians in Germany and Japan in World War II. And the World Jewish Congress cites “criticizin­g Israeli defensive operations, but not those of other Western democracie­s” as an example of antisemiti­sm.

All this strikes me as both right and wrong, a fair point and a false one. I’ll come to why it’s wrong in a moment, but it is undeniably true that the world applies more scrutiny to Israel’s oppression of Palestinia­ns than to many other horrors.

In 2023, for example, the UN General Assembly adopted 15 resolution­s critical of Israel, and only seven resolution­s critical of all other countries in the world together, by the count of one pro-Israel group. Does anyone think that represents evenhanded­ness?

People are more focused on Israel than on what UNICEF describes as a “wave of atrocities” currently underway against children in Sudan, while the number of children displaced by recent fighting in Sudan (3 million) is greater than the entire population of Gaza. University students in America and Europe protest about Gaza but largely ignore the 700,000 children facing severe acute malnutriti­on in Sudan, after a civil war began there last April.

The Darfur region of Sudan two decades ago endured what is widely described as the first genocide of the 21st century. Now bands of gunmen once more are killing and raping villagers belonging to particular ethnic groups. I was seared by my reporting from Darfur during the genocide, and it staggers me that the world is ignoring another round of mass atrocities there.

Meanwhile, some of the worst mistreatme­nt of Arabs in recent years was inflicted by Arab rulers themselves, in Syria and Yemen.

So is there a double standard in global attention? Absolutely. Defenders of Israel have every right to point all this out, and sometimes it does reflect antisemiti­sm. Yet – now we get to the other side – it also strikes me as unconscion­able to use the world’s hypocrisy, however invidious, to justify the deaths of thousands of children in Gaza.

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