The Philippine Star


- see, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey. [ ] Matthew 21:5

It was Sunday – the day we now call Palm Sunday. Without a doubt, this wasn’t Jesus’ first visit to Jerusalem. As a devout Jew, He would’ve gone to the city every year for the three great feasts (Luke 2:41–42; John 2:13; 5:1). In the past three years, Christ had also ministered and taught in Jerusalem. But this Sunday His coming into the city was radically different.

By riding a young donkey into Jerusalem at a time when thousands of worshipers were coming into the city, Jesus was the center of attention (Matthew 21:9-11). Why would He take the place of prominence before thousands of people when for the past three years He’d deliberate­ly kept a low profile? Why would He accept the people’s proclamati­on that He was King just five days before His death?

Matthew says that this took place to fulfill a five-hundred-year-old prophecy (Matthew 21:4-5) that God’s chosen king would come into Jerusalem “righteous and victorious, [yet] lowly and riding on a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9; see also Genesis 49:10-11).

This was a truly unusual way for a triumphant king to enter a city. Conquering kings normally rode on mighty stallions. But Jesus didn’t come riding a warhorse. This reveals what kind of King Jesus is. He came in meekness and lowliness. Jesus came not for war, but for peace, establishi­ng peace between God and us (Acts 10:36; Colossians 1:20). K. T. Sim What kind of king is Jesus to you today?

how can you honor him as your King? Jesus, thank You for coming into Jerusalem to reveal Your mighty and humble ways. Fill my heart with Your peace. BIBle In a Year | 1 Samuel 15-16; luke 10:25-42 Follow us on social media: ourdailybr­eadpilipin­as, web: and, and check our resources at ourdailybr­eadpilipin­

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