The Philippine Star



A s they sang praise songs together in the multi-generation­al worship service, many experience­d joy and peace. But not a frazzled mother. As she jiggled her baby, who was on the verge of crying, she held the songbook for her five-year-old while trying to stop her toddler from running off. Then an older gentleman sitting behind her offered to walk the toddler around the church and a young woman motioned that she could hold the songbook for the eldest child. Within two minutes, the mother’s experience was transforme­d and she could exhale, close her eyes, and worship God.

God has always intended that all His people worship Him – men and women, old and young, longtime believers, and newcomers. As Moses blessed the tribes of Israel before they entered the promised land, he urged them all to meet together, “men, women and children, and the foreigners residing in your towns,” so that they could “listen and learn to fear the LORD your God” and to follow His commands (Deuteronom­y 31:12). It honors God when we make it possible for His people to worship Him together, no matter our stage of life.

That morning in church, the mother, the older gentleman, and the young woman each experience­d God’s love through giving and receiving. Perhaps the next time you’re at church, you too could either extend God’s love through an offer of help or you could be the one accepting the act of grace.

How have you experience­d the body of Christ as encompassi­ng many generation­s and people groups? How have you given and received God’s love while at church? Loving Jesus, You long that all people would feel welcomed when they come to worship You. Help us to be those who notice others and reach out in love. BIBLE IN A YEAR | 2 SAMUEL 6-8; LUKE 15:1-10

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