Watchmen Daily Journal



It could be that you’re trying to communicat­e with someone in a ma er regarding love and romance and it simply isn’t working. You’re apt to feel like you need a translator in order to get your message across. Both you and your partner need to share responsibi­lity for making sure that the lines of communica on remain open. Be prac cal yet sensi ve in your approach.

This is a fantas c me for you for love and romance, Taurus, even if there’s a bit of coolness between you and the person you care about. It’s possible that there needs to be an element of distance now for you to really appreciate the good thing you have. If you aren’t involved with someone now, you should find that you’re in a good posi on to make a move toward someone you feel strongly about.

It’s one thing to be a friend and it’s another to feed someone’s ego just to make him or her happy, Gemini. Make sure that you aren’t telling someone lies just because you know that that is what he or she wants to hear. A true friend is someone who is honest at all mes, even if it means that you may temporaril­y hurt that person’s feelings.

It’s cri cal that you not try to gain the love and apprecia on of another by controllin­g their decisions, Cancer. It’s me to let the people around you set their own rules and boundaries. Give that special person space to decide what’s best, then you can take ac on accordingl­y. It may be that you discover things about this person that you probably would never have known if you called all the shots.

You might need to put on the brakes today when it comes to love and romance, Leo. Don’t think that this means you have to break off any sort rela onship that’s in the works, but realize that you may need to take a more realis c approach to how you handle it. The problem is that you may be ge(ng so caught up in the fantasy of things that you aren’t tending to prac cali es.

Things should be going quite well for you today, Virgo, and you will find that aspects of your life that may have felt disconnect­ed in the past are finally slipping into place. Have faith that all your painstakin­g planning and organizing is finally going to pay off. This is especially true in love and romance. Spend in mate

me with a close partner tonight.

Restric on and discipline might not be your forte, Libra, but realize that this may be exactly the type of thing that you need the most. Try not to expend your energy in too many direc ons. Focus and channel your efforts into the things you consider the most important. Make sure that most of your day is spent tending to these things. Have you hugged your loved ones lately?

Appreciate the good things you have today, Scorpio. Don’t let another day go by without really paying homage to the people who’ve helped you grow along the way. Take a walk. Climb a tree or help a child build a tree house. Connect with your spiritual side that finds sa sfac on in where you are now instead of always feeling a need to search for something bigger and be er.

When it comes to ma ers of love and romance, you may need to tone things down a bit, Sagi arius. An aggressive approach now may drive your loved one further away from you instead of drawing him or her closer. Remember that love is a two‐way street. Don’t just do things the way you’d like to do them. It’s crucial that you consider your partner’s thoughts and feelings every step of the way.

ou may find that your love is incredibly magne c now, Capricorn. All you need to do is be yourself and suddenly people flock your way. There are terrific opportuni es for you to strengthen the bonds you have with the people you care about the most. Solidify your rela onship with so6 roman c words and ac ons. There is an extra sensuality to your mood and ac ons now.

Consider taking a more conserva ve approach to your ac ons today, Aquarius, as well as to the way you dress. Others may be rather put off by something that comes across as too flashy. Fashion is apt to be a significan­t concern for you now, which is fine. Don’t underes mate the power of personal appearance.

Roman c rela onships may not exactly be going as well as you’d like, Pisces, but don’t get discourage­d. Hang in there and you will find that things eventually come around your way. You may need to strengthen your internal sense of confidence, since it’s doub:ul that you will get much support from interac ons with the people around you.

 ??  ?? Sagittariu­s
 ??  ?? Cancer
 ??  ?? Libra
 ??  ?? Aquarius
 ??  ?? Scorpio
 ??  ?? Taurus
 ??  ?? Leo
 ??  ?? Virgo
 ??  ?? Capricorn
 ??  ?? Pisces
 ??  ?? Aries
 ??  ?? Gemini

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