Watchmen Daily Journal



Bianca Tapia, 26 years old, was born two months premature.

This caused hearing impairment and has necessitat­ed her to wear hearing aids in both ears since her toddler years.

Without them, she could hardly hear words spoken to her.

In school, she was bullied and made fun of, especially when she had to ask people to repeat what they were saying, so she could hear.

In gatherings or classes, she had to sit in the front row to hear the speaker.

In a vehicle, she often had to push forward to get closer to the person who was talking. This made her feel insecure. But today, she is a different, empowered woman.

Tapia still wears her hearing aids but is determined to push past the disability, and is proudly representi­ng Hawaii at the upcoming Miss Universe Philippine­s pageant in May.

“For me, we are all human, and we have to accept who we are and things we can’t change. It’s something I have come to terms with. When I was younger, I thought I wished I could change that. I wish I didn’t have a hearing deficiency. But now the older I get, I realize that nobody’s perfect,” she said.

“We are all striving every day to be the best version of ourselves. Me joining Miss Universe Philippine­s, I’m just thankful that I’m doing my best every day because I owe it to myself to be grateful,” she added.

“I have a story to tell not only for those who are disabled but for all those who want to set a higher goal for themselves.”

Tapia is no longer shy to ask those she is talking with to repeat the question, and she is thankful the other candidates are very kind.

She has the full support of her loving family who are all here from California: Mom, dad, sister and brother.

And she is determined to be her best every day.

“Beauty is not just from the outside but more from the inside,” she said.

Tapia quit her job in the tech industry at Oracle as she firmly believes joining Miss Universe Philippine­s 2024 is a calling.

“I was a data analyst, and it wasn’t resonating with me, so I knew Miss Universe Philippine­s was perfect for the moment. I wanted a challenge,” she said.

To keep herself physically in shape, Tapia does zumba, yoga and tennis.

“Find a physical activity you enjoy. I make sure I drink a lot of water, and I’m on a caloriedef­icit eating program, so I can be swimsuit-ready for the pageant,” she shared.

“Yes, you need to be physically beautiful, but I also believe a Miss Universe Philippine­s should be able to carry the weight of a lot of people,” added Tapia, who is extremely thankful to her team that has been with her to help be her best in every aspect of the pageant. News)

 ?? ?? Bianca Tapia, who will represent Hawaii at the Miss Universe Philippine­s pageant in May 2024, is determined to push past her disability.
Bianca Tapia, who will represent Hawaii at the Miss Universe Philippine­s pageant in May 2024, is determined to push past her disability.
 ?? ?? Jayda Avanzado and Darren Espanto were very young when they decided to express their feelings to one another.
Jayda Avanzado and Darren Espanto were very young when they decided to express their feelings to one another.
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