Gulf Times

UN concerned over worsening situation in war-hit Yemen


Two senior UN officials yesterday voiced concerns about the worsening situation in war-wracked Yemen, warning of the risk of famine and slamming several donors, including Saudi Arabia, for failing to deliver on their pledges.

Fighting in Yemen over the last six years has claimed tens of thousands of lives, mostly civilians, and sparked what the United Nations calls the world’s worst humanitari­an crisis.

UN envoy Martin Griffiths told the Security Council that Yemen could “slip back away from the road to peace.”

He cited “increased fighting, greater humanitari­an needs and the Covid-19 pandemic “as among the factors in play.

Griffiths said he had sent all warring parties a draft of a “joint declaratio­n” reflecting what had been said in previous rounds of talks.

“Now is the time for the parties to swiftly conclude the negotiatio­ns and finalise the Joint Declaratio­n,” he said.

The internatio­nally recognised government in Yemen has been battling the Houthis since 2014, when the rebels seized much of the north including the capital Sanaa.

A Saudi-led military coalition intervened on the side of the government the following year.

Griffiths noted concerns about clashes in the northern Marib region, and said that violations of the ceasefire reached in December 2018 had become daily in the area near Hodeida.

Mark Lowcock, the UN undersecre­tary-general for humanitari­an affairs, warned that the “spectre of famine has returned” in Yemen.

“Several donors - including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who have a particular responsibi­lity, which they have discharged in recent years - have so far given nothing” to this year’s aid plan, he said, in a rare direct rebuke of member states.

“It is particular­ly reprehensi­ble to promise money, which gives people hope that help may be on the way, and then to dash those hopes by simply failing to fulfil the promise.”

Lowcock said that more than 9mn people had been affected by cuts to aid programmes, including those focused on food, water and healthcare.

The UN estimates that threequart­ers of Yemen’s population of 29mn depend on some form of aid for survival.

“Continuing to hold back money from the humanitari­an response now will be a death sentence for many families,” he warned.

“So yet again, I call on all donors to pay their pledges now and increase their support.”

Germany criticised the attitude of donors as particular­ly shocking.

Lowcock said the conflict had escalated in recent weeks, particular­ly in central Yemen.

“In August, more civilians were killed across the country than any other month this year,” he said.

“The worst hunger in Yemen is mainly in conflict-affected areas.”

Neither Griffiths nor Lowcock offered an assessment of progress in the standoff with Houthis over a loaded oil storage tanker decaying off Yemen’s coast.

The 45-year-old FSO Safer, abandoned near the port of Hodeidah since 2015, has 1.1mn barrels of crude on board, and a rupture or explosion would have catastroph­ic environmen­tal and humanitari­an consequenc­es.

The Houthis have blocked the United Nations from sending a team of inspectors to assess the vessel.

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