Gulf Times

West Africa leaders press Mali junta over transition


West African leaders met the head of Mali’s military junta yesterday to press for the return to civilian rule nearly a month after rebel officers seized power in the fragile state.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) slapped sanctions on Mali after the putsch, including closing borders and a ban on trade and financial flows, and has called for elections within 12 months.

The 15-nation bloc also gave the new military rulers until today to name a civilian president and prime minister to head a transition­al government.

“My reason for this meeting is simple. We need to bring finality to our deliberati­ons on Mali,” Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo said in an opening statement at a lodge at Peduase, eastern Ghana.

“That country can no longer afford any delay in putting a responsibl­e government in place.”

Akufo-Addo, the current ECOWAS rotating chairman, reiterated that yesterday was “supposed to be the day the military junta is supposed to put in place a government”.

“Closure should be brought to the matter now,” he said.

Junta leader Colonel Assimi Goita, who was appointed interim head of state, attended the talks on his first trip abroad since his seizure of power.

He was set to deliver a speech behind closed doors to the assembled leaders from across the region outlining his plans.

The military junta over the weekend backed an arrangemen­t for an 18-month transition government in which the junta would be given the leading role in choosing the interim president.

But the document was rejected by Mali’s protest movement.

It underscore­d its objections yesterday, while stressing it did not want to “break or get involved in a conflict” with the junta.

The communique said that consultati­ons about the transition - which culminated in a document published on Saturday after a three-day forum were marked by “intimidati­on (and) anti-democratic and unfair practices” and “the desire to monopolise and confiscate power to the benefit of (the junta).”

“Correction­s must be able to be made to the national consultati­on documents,” said Mountaga Tall, a leader of the so-called June 5 Movement, or M5, an alliance of political parties, trade unions, religious figures and NGOs.

Mali’s former president, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, 75, was toppled after months of protests by the M5 demanding his resignatio­n.

He had been facing deep anger over an eight-year-old insurgency, economic problems and entrenched corruption.

The M5 wants to be given equal status with the junta during the transition.

 ??  ?? Colonel Assimi Goita, leader of Malian military junta, attends the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) consultati­ve meeting in Peduase, Ghana, yesterday.
Colonel Assimi Goita, leader of Malian military junta, attends the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) consultati­ve meeting in Peduase, Ghana, yesterday.

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