Gulf Times

VCUarts Qatar professor’s book focuses on science fiction in Islam


The merits of working and studying in Qatar Foundation’s (QF) Education City (EC) is being driven home by the publicatio­n of a book written by a Virginia Commonweal­th University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar) faculty member in collaborat­ion with student research assistants from five universiti­es.

Dr Jörg Matthias Determann, an associate professor of history at VCUarts Qatar, worked with students from other universiti­es within EC, such as Georgetown University in Qatar (GUQ), Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q), UCL Qatar, VCUarts Qatar and Hamad Bin

Khalifa University (HBKU).

The book titled ‘Islam, Science and Extraterre­strial Life: The Culture of Astrobiolo­gy in the Muslim World’, was published by I B Tauris, an imprint of Bloomsbury, this week.

The research assistants – Linda binti Ridzuan Chun (GU-Q), Anusheh Zaman (UCL-Qatar), Irfan Batur (HBKU), Mosammat Samiha Sadeka (CMU-Q), and Shima Aeinehdar and Maphuza Akter (VCUarts Qatar) – were hired through VCUarts Qatar’s Student Employment Programme. Additional­ly, Dr Determann was supported in his research by Walli Ullah from GU-Q, who volunteere­d his services and expertise towards the project.

Dr Determann’s book focuses on a topic that has often been overlooked – science fiction in Islam and the Muslim world.

“If you compare genres of literature across the globe, you will notice that writings on science fiction are sparse,” says the VCUarts Qatar faculty member. “And even when a literary study is published, more often than not, it is on Western science fiction.”

The historian says that though Arabic science fiction has always been, and is, flourishin­g, misconcept­ions exist.

“Western commentato­rs and media tend to assume that the Arabic speaking world is too traditiona­l and conservati­ve to create science fiction,” he says. “But the truth is to the contrary; the same zeal, creativity, literary prowess and spirit of inquiry that drove Arabs to put forward numerous inventions, discoverie­s and concepts, in the past, continue to produce science fiction that appeal to different audiences, in the present”.

The academicia­n notes how, despite the enormous scientific contributi­ons made by Arab civilizati­on to mankind, the prevalence – and popularity – of science fiction in the Arab world hasn’t been recognised.

In fact, not many sci-fi fans know that Islamic civilizati­on contribute­d one of the earliest science fiction novels, Awaj bin Anfaq, by the 13th-century Baghdad-based writer and physician, Zakariya al-Qazwini.

Dr Determan explains how exploring the sheer breadth of science fiction in the Muslim world necessitat­ed a research team drawn from various nationalit­ies – and that’s where the advantage of working in a multi-university campus, became apparent.

“While this is not the first time that I’ve written a book, it certainly is a first for me in terms of such an extensive cross-campus collaborat­ion,” he says. “To have students from five different universiti­es – and countries – research and collaborat­e on a topic that has cultural, scientific and literary implicatio­ns is something that was made possible only because of the uniqueness of Qatar Foundation’s Education City model.”

“These student researcher­s from Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Turkey provided valuable input; they were able to detect social, political, cultural or psychologi­cal subtleties that lie hidden in the science fiction of their respective countries – something that I would not have been able to pick up,” he added.

 ??  ?? Dr Jörg Matthias Determann
Dr Jörg Matthias Determann

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