Qatar Tribune

Qatar-based Indian sets world record in miniature paintings


A Qatar-based Indian expatriate has set a world record for his new artwork ‘Most miniature paintings on a small paper card’. The UK-based World Record Certificat­ion Limited has confirmed the record.

Ganesh Kelagina Beedu Shenoy painted 1,156 miniature paintings on a small paper card measuring 17 cm X 17 cm with each miniature painting measuring 0.5 cm X 0.5 cm, setting the world record for most miniature paintings ever painted on a small paper card.

Last year, Shenoy had broken the Indian and Asian records in the same category with 1,029 miniature paintings on an A4 size paper and had entered the Asia Book of Records and India Book of Records. In 2018, one of his paintings on Jesus Christ was featured in L’Osservator­e Romano newspaper of the Vatican City.

Shenoy is the son of veteran artist and Lalit Kala Academy award winner Late Pundalik Shenoy. His mother late Padmini Shenoy was also a noted artist. He has been interested in painting right from his childhood and has received many awards. Shenoy cherishes the dream of getting entry into the Guinness Book of World Records one day and has already started working on a new project to realise this ambition by 2021.

Shenoy uses many mediums and styles in painting. His favourite styles are pointillis­m, kinetic pointillis­m, mosaic and expression­ism. He has never sold his paintings and always donates them to philanthro­pic organisati­ons so that they can sell them utilise the money to carry out charity work.

 ??  ?? Ganesh Kelagina Beedu Shenoy painted 1,156 miniature paintings on a small paper card.
Ganesh Kelagina Beedu Shenoy painted 1,156 miniature paintings on a small paper card.

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