Arab News

Ill-advised policies


This is with reference to the report “‘Religious apartheid’: Danes seek ban on Muslims” ( July 29). Such demands or actions only play into the hands of radical elements or contribute to the radicaliza­tion of people. The West should revisit its policies toward Muslims. The western leaders should understand that the Muslims are the worst victims of terrorism. These terror groups don’t enjoy popular support anywhere in the Muslim world.

By alienating their Muslim population­s, the West would only help the cause of the radicals who want to spark a clash between civilizati­ons.

Instead of taking such drastic measures, the western authoritie­s should reach out to their respective Muslim population­s and seek their help in eliminatin­g the menace of radicalism. I am sure that they would be more than willing to join hands with the authoritie­s in the global fight against terrorism.

It seems that the world does not want to believe the Muslims when they claim that they don’t consider Daesh and its likes Muslims. That is very true that these terror groups are only using Islamic terminolog­ies to promote their nefarious agendas. There is nothing Islamic about Daesh or Al-Qaeda. These groups are only working against the teachings of Islam and against the interests of Muslims.

Farhan Tamjid

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