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Filipinos back Duterte despite rising violence


MANILA: On the day he was sworn into office, President Rodrigo Duterte went to a Manila slum and exhorted residents who knew any drug addicts to “go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful.”

Two months later, nearly 2,000 suspected drug pushers and users lay dead as morgues continue to fill up. Faced with criticism of his actions by rights activists, internatio­nal bodies and outspoken Filipinos, including the top judge, Duterte has stuck to his guns and threatened to declare martial law if the Supreme Court meddles in his work.

According to a survey early last month, he has the support of nearly 91 percent of Filipinos. The independen­t poll was done during his first week in office, and no new surveys have come out since then.

National police chief Ronald dela Rosa told a Senate hearing this week that police have recorded more than 1,900 dead, including 756 suspected drug dealers and users who were gunned down after they resisted arrest. More than 1,000 other deaths are under investigat­ion, and some of them may not be drug-related, he said.

Jayeel Cornelio, a doctor of soci- ology and director of Ateneo de Manila University’s Developmen­t Studies Program, said he suspects only a few of Duterte’s supporters are disillusio­ned by the killings and his rhetoric because voters trust his campaign promise to crush drug criminals. They also find resonance in his cursing and no-holds-barred comments.

Duterte’s death threats against criminals, his promise to battle corruption, his anti-establishm­ent rhetoric and gutter humor have enamored Filipinos living on the margins of society. He overwhelmi­ngly won the election, mirroring public exaspera- tion over the social ills he condemns.

Economic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia has said the killings “may be a necessary evil in the pursuit of a greater good,” a senti- ment echoed by a deluge of comments by Duterte supporters in social media deriding his critics and defending the brutal war on drugs.

 ??  ?? DEMONSTRAT­ION: Protesters stage a “die-in” to dramatize the rising number of extra judicial killings related to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s “War on Drugs” in Quezon city. (AP)
DEMONSTRAT­ION: Protesters stage a “die-in” to dramatize the rising number of extra judicial killings related to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s “War on Drugs” in Quezon city. (AP)

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