Arab News

Obama veto ‘saved’ historic Saudi-US ties


He said the decision of Congress passing the law was political with no proof of involvemen­t and no fact or document that would enable the prosecutio­n of Saudi Arabia.

He said the political rift between Congress and the Obama administra­tion could have had a big nega- tive effect on relations between the two countries, but the common interest and their strategic relationsh­ip won the day, opening a new chapter in the two countries’ ties.

The political analyst said America will not forgo the relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the GCC states. If anything, the opposite is true.

Alem said Obama’s veto of the law passed by Congress will be binding on the next American administra­tion, but if Congress insists on reopening the file, the case will revert to the House and will be studied anew.

But the fact remains, he said that there is no proof of the Kingdom's involvemen­t in any way in the September 11 events and investigat­ions have already proved the innocence of the Kingdom.

He added that the Congress stand does not warrant sacrificin­g the interests of the two nations.

BEIRUT: Internatio­nal affairs expert George Alem said the veto US President Barack Obama used against JASTA will prevent families of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center from prosecutin­g the Kingdom and has preserved the historical relations between the two powers in the Arab and western worlds.

 ??  ?? George Alem
George Alem

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