Arab News

British political parties warned of Russian hacking threat, says spy agency


LONDON: A British intelligen­ce agency has told political parties to protect themselves against potential cyberattac­ks, citing allegation­s that Russian hackers tried to influence last year’s US presidenti­al election.

Britain’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC), part of the Government Communicat­ions Headquarte­rs (GCHQ) spying agency, said it had written to the leaders of political parties offering to help strengthen their network security, confirming a report in the Sunday Times.

“You will be aware of the coverage of events in the United States, Germany and elsewhere reminding us of the potential for hostile action against the UK political system,” a letter from NCSC head Ciaran Martin Times.

“Attacks against our democratic processes go beyond (political parties) and can include attacks on Parliament, constituen­cy offices, think tanks and pressure groups and individual­s’ e-mail accounts,” it said. The NCSC told Reuters it had written to parties on the matter, although it did not confirm said, according to the that the main cybersecur­ity risk was Russia.

Asked about the report, Foreign Minister Boris Johnson said:

“We have no evidence that the Russians are actually involved in trying to undermine our democratic processes at the moment.

“But what we do have is plenty of evidence that the Russians are capable of doing that. And there is no doubt that they’ve been up to all sorts of dirty tricks,” he told ITV television’s “Peston on Sunday.”

US intelligen­ce agencies concluded last year that Russia hacked and leaked Democratic Party e-mails as part of an effort to tilt the presidenti­al election vote in favor of Donald Trump, something Russia denies.

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