Arab News

Egypt’s El-Sisi to meet Trump in Washington in early April


CAIRO: Egyptian President AbdelFatta­h El-Sisi and US President Donald Trump will meet in Washington next month, Egypt’s leading state-owned newspaper said on Sunday.

Al-Ahram said in a front-page report the two leaders will meet during the first week of April, in what will be El-Sisi’s first visit to Washington since taking office in 2014.

El-Sisi and Trump have already shown a bond when they met in September on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Trump, at the time the Republican presidenti­al nominee, said there was “good chemistry” and El-Sisi, a general-turned-politician said Trump would “without a doubt” make a strong leader.

Cairo and Washington are expected to forge closer ties under Trump following years of tension over the Obama administra­tion’s emphasis on human rights and Cairo’s perception that it supported the now-out- lawed Muslim Brotherhoo­d.

El-Sisi, as defense minister, led the military’s 2013 ouster of the Brotherhoo­d’s Muhammad Mursi following days of massive protests against his divisive rule. His removal ushered in the start of a massive crackdown against both Islamists and secular pro-democracy activists that jailed thousands and killed hundreds in street clashes with police. The crackdown was frequently criticized by the Obama administra­tion, which suspended some aid and sought to distance itself from El-Sisi’s government.

Obama never invited El-Sisi to the White House.

Egypt and the US have been close allies for most of the nearly 40 years since Cairo signed a peace treaty with Israel, with Egypt becoming the second largest recipient of US aid after Israel, with some $1.3 billion annually in military aid.

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