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UK to Gibraltar: We will protect you in Brexit talks with EU


LONDON: Britain sought Saturday to reassure Gibraltar that it will protect the territory’s interests in upcoming talks on exiting the EU amid a dispute with Spain that underscore­s the complicati­ons of Britain’s EU divorce.

Spain has long sought to regain control of Gibraltar, an enclave of 32,000 people on the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula that was ceded to Britain in 1713.

On Friday, the EU suggested that Spain would get a veto over the territory’s future relationsh­ip with the trading bloc. Gibraltar reacted angrily to the EU position, saying Spain was using the UK’s departure from the EU to force negotiatio­ns that it has wanted on the status of the territory.

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson talked with Gibraltar’s chief minister, Fabian Picardo, on Friday to assure him of the UK’s support

“As ever, the UK remains implacable and rock-like in our support for Gibraltar,” Johnson tweeted after the conversati­on.

British Prime Minister Theresa May failed to mention Gibraltar in her letter triggering formal negotiatio­ns on Britain’s departure from the EU — causing dismay in the territory.

The EU fueled that anxiety on Friday when it released a nine-page draft roadmap for the talks, which included a statement that no future agreement after Brexit between Britain and the bloc would apply to Gibraltar unless both the UK and Spain agreed.

The statement on Gibraltar is unique for the EU, which in other matters has called for the 27 remaining members to speak with one voice in talks with Britain. Picardo expressed outrage at being singled out, describing the guidelines as “a disgracefu­l attempt by Spain to manipulate the European Council for its own narrow political interests.”

“What we are seeing is a clear manifestat­ion of the predictabl­y predatory attitude that we anticipate­d Spain would seek to abusively impose on its partners,” he said in a statement.

Although May has since insisted her support for Gibraltar remains firm, some analysts suggest the prime minister’s failure to mention the territory in her letter supports the idea that it is a colony, not an integral part of the UK

Christian Hernandez, president of the Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce, disagreed. Gibraltar became a member of the EU when Britain joined the bloc in 1973, and it is considered part of the UK for all matters relating to the EU, he told the BBC on Saturday.

The people of Gibraltar, who rely on an open border with Spain to fuel their economy, voted overwhelmi­ngly to remain in the EU during the referendum on Britain’s membership but also has similarly voted to stay in the UK They will be leaving the EU, however, because a majority in Britain voted to leave.

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