Arab News

‘Speechless’ Hasina lambastes Myanmar for atrocities


UKHIYA: The Bangladesh­i prime minister demanded Tuesday that Myanmar allow the return of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims who fled recent violence in Buddhist-majority nation — a crisis she said left her speechless.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh would offer the refugees temporary shelter and aid, but that Myanmar should soon “take their nationals back.”

“We will not tolerate injustice,” she said at a rally at the Kutupalong refugee camp, near the border town of Ukhiya in Cox’s Bazar district.

On Monday night, she lambasted Buddhist-majority Myanmar for “atrocities” that she said had reached a level beyond descriptio­n, telling lawmakers she had “no words to condemn Myanmar.”

The crisis has drawn sharp criticism from around the world.

The UN human rights chief said Myanmar’s ethnic Rohingya minority was facing what “seems a textbook example of ethnic cleansing.” UN rights investigat­ors have been barred from entering the country.

“The Myanmar government should stop pretending that the Rohingya are setting fire to their own homes and laying waste to their own villages,” Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein said Monday in Geneva, calling it a “complete denial of reality.”

Meanwhile, a Rohingya villager in Myanmar said security forces had arrived Monday in the village of Pa Din village, firing guns, setting new fires to homes and driving hundreds of Rohingya to flee.

“People were scared and running out of the village,” the villager said, speaking on condition of anonymity out of fear for his safety.

Myanmar police disputed that, saying the houses were burned by terrorists they called Bengalis. That term is used derisively by many in Myanmar to describe the Rohingya, who they say migrated illegally from neighborin­g Bangladesh, though many Rohingya families have lived in Myanmar for generation­s.

 ??  ?? Bangladesh­i Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, left, meets with a Rohingya Muslim child at Kutupalong refugee camp, near the border town of Ukhia, on Tuesday. (AP)
Bangladesh­i Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, left, meets with a Rohingya Muslim child at Kutupalong refugee camp, near the border town of Ukhia, on Tuesday. (AP)

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