Arab News

Traditiona­l energy producers from Middle East needed to push sustainabi­lity agenda.


NEW YORK: There was not a big presence from the Arabian Gulf’s oil-producing countries on day one of the World Economic Forum’s inaugural Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Impact Summit in New York.

Maybe Gulf delegates were too busy a little further east in Manhattan, where the United Nations was getting into its stride for the annual general assembly; maybe they were still en route for the big Bloomberg Global Business Forum later in the week, where a top-level delegation from the Middle East are expected.

Their absence from the WEF event was certainly not because of an inherent lack of interest in the subject matter. Several Gulf countries — notably Saudi Arabia and the UAE — have written sustainabi­lity into the strategic plans they have adopted to oversee economic developmen­t over the coming decade.

The Saudi ambassador to the UN, Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, underlined the Gulf’s strategic interest in sustainabi­lity when he likened the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 strategy to the UN’s own Agenda 2030.

You might argue in fact that the debate over sustainabi­lity was more important to the oil exporters, because the various plans to reduce carbon dependency will have a direct financial impact on oil and gas producing countries, hitting them straight in the exchequer.

There was general agreement at the summit that carbon was a bad thing. Speaker after speaker underlined their sustainabi­lity credential­s by pledging to stop oil and gas exploratio­n, or to phase out the internal combustion engine, or to become carbon neutral by some date in the future.

There was little debate about what that meant for the countries who currently make their way in the world by producing and exporting energy raw materials to fuel the economies of the rest of the planet.

The summit had three main heroes — all male politician­s — on its opening day. Former Vice President Al Gore is the darling of the environmen­tally-aware, and delivered a strong statement of intent on behalf of sustainabi­lity. The US was going to look after the global environmen­t to the best of its ability, regardless of President Trump’s posturing on the Paris Agreement, he insisted.

Another is Jerry Brown, governor of California, who has taken the lead in making that state a standard bearer for the cause of sustainabi­lity. In an enthusiast­ic plenary speech, he invited the world to a climate change summit in San Francisco next year, fired off another salvo against the President’s denial of climate change (“such a statement of nonsense”), and said he was winning over conservati­ve Republican­s and business people to his position at a fast rate.

The third star of the opening day was Nicolas Hulot, green activist and radical journalist who has wound up as French minister of environmen­t and energy in the government of President Macron. He reiterated his pledge that France would be carbon neutral in 2050, ten years after it had phased out all petrol and diesel cars and also stopped all new oil and gas exploratio­n. The carbon will be left in the ground, he said to much applause.

As they were winning over hearts in the plenary hall, a stream of initiative­s and projects was announced by the WEF in pursuit of the sustainabi­lity agenda.

A new strategy to identify, fund and build new ventures that can “harness technologi­es that could transform the world” with the collaborat­ion of Stanford University and consulting firm PWC, the “4IR for the Earth” initiative.

Then there was the “major push to end the hidden human toll and pollution behind the smartphone and electric car battery industry, the “Global Battery Alliance,” backed by some of the world’s biggest companies in mining and chemicals.

There was also a 10-point plan to stop tropical deforestat­ion, the “Tropical Forrest Alliance 2020” backed by 100 government­s around the world as well as groups representi­ng civil society.

It was an impressive opening day show of sustainabl­e solidarity by the WEF, reinforcin­g its stance that the planet had reached the limits of its self-recovery powers. “The earth cannot fix itself. Cities, energy food and industry much change,” was the message.

But it missed an authentic voice from the traditiona­l energy producers — mainly from the Middle East — whose co-operation is crucial in the sustainabi­lity cause, and whose economies will be among the most affected by the rush to a car-

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