Arab News

Christophe­r Kennedy’s promises to defend Arabs and Muslims are noteworthy


But the reality is, things are not likely to change because Arab-Americans are weak, poorly organized and lack basic public relations strategies.

US Sen. Robert Kennedy won the California primary election on June 5, 1968, and was predicted to easily defeat Republican candidate Richard Nixon to become America’s 37th president. But after celebratin­g his victory, Kennedy was assassinat­ed by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinia­n Christian immigrant whose family became refugees after Israel’s creation two decades earlier. Sirhan was angry that the US was arming Israel to sustain its year-old occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Fifty years later, I was among an Arab and Muslim audience as Kennedy’s son Christophe­r announced his candidacy for governor of Illinois and promised to fight racism, stereotypi­ng and exclusion of Arabs and Muslims from state and local government.

How many times have Arabs and Muslims heard such promises before elections, only to see them broken afterward? Many US politician­s who vowed to fight discrimina­tion end up supporting laws that deny Arabs and Muslims their fundamenta­l civil rights, because it appeals to their core voters and helps them raise money to stay in office.

Arabs and Muslims are marginaliz­ed in the US because it is easy to do so. We are weak, poorly organized, and lack public relations strategies to highlight our value to American society.

But I believe Christophe­r, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for governor of Illinois, is different. Here is a candidate whose father was killed by a Palestinia­n Arab over US bias toward Israel, telling an audience of Arabs and Muslims he will fight for their rights.

Christophe­r’s appearance resonated powerfully. I asked him why he of all people would do that considerin­g what happened to his father? He seemed surprised by my question. “You can’t blame an entire people for the act of one person,” he said matter-of-factly. “We can’t judge each other by the act of one person.” What he said is fundamenta­l to human rights, but Arabs and Muslims are still blamed for the terrorism of the 9/11 hijackers.

I was only 15 when his father was assassinat­ed. And I was only 9 when his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, was assassinat­ed on Nov. 22, 1963. My family believed in the Kennedys, and supported both John and Robert, not just because my parents were Democrats, but because the Kennedys symbolized the values all immigrants seek when they come to the US.

My parents immigrated to America, fleeing the Israeli violence that consumed their homes in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. They connected with the experience of the Kennedy family, which Christophe­r shared with the Arab and Muslim audience. He spoke of how his family experience­d the same racism and stereotype­s that Arabs and Muslims face today when they immigrated to America from Ireland in the mid-19th century.

The man he hopes to unseat is Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, who vowed repeatedly to oppose racism and discrimina­tion, and said he would make government inclusive. But once elected in November 2014, Rauner proceeded to fuel hate. Last year, he signed legislatio­n that singles out Arabs and Muslims for special punishment if they support boycotting Israel.

The legislatio­n is the basis for even more draconian laws that have been introduced to Congress by politician­s who have also promised to fight discrimina­tion. One of those bills, S-720, was introduced to the Senate by Sen. Charles Schumer, who is leading the attacks against President Donald Trump and accuses him of being “anti-Muslim.” Schumer’s legislatio­n takes the one signed by Rauner a step further, making it a felony for any American to support boycotting Israel’s illegal, racist settlement­s.

According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Schumer’s bill “states that violators shall be fined in accordance with the penalties laid out in Section 206 of the Internatio­nal Emergency Economic Powers Act. That section provides that violations are punishable by a civil penalty that could reach $250,000 and that willful violations are subject to criminal prosecutio­n, which could result in a fine of up to $1 million and 20 years in prison.”

As an American who served in the military during the Vietnam War, and whose father and uncle defended the US against the Nazis during World War II, I am outraged. I have a right to boycott products manufactur­ed on Palestinia­n land stolen by Israel to build and expand settlement­s, which are illegal under internatio­nal law. Those products are sold to Americans in stores with labels that falsely declare them “Made in Israel.”

The last time laws were passed targeting the beliefs of a specific group of citizens was in Nazi Germany in 1933, when Jews were denied their fundamenta­l rights spelled out in the German constituti­on. We know what those restrictiv­e, racist laws led to.

Ray Hanania is an award-winning Palestinia­n-American columnist and author. Email him at


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