Arab News

What does Egypt need: A manager or a controller?


manipulati­on. We used to contain and influence a number of regional countries by offering a solid perspectiv­e and persuading them to adopt a common goal. Obviously, we cannot control other nations; thus, after losing our talented political manipulato­rs, our regional clout has diminished greatly.

In the current era, when the internet and social media play a significan­t role in shaping society, manipulati­on may be more effective than control. Opposing arguments disseminat­ed on social media often attack the mechanism of control, weakening the controller’s hold on the reins, and consequent­ly his grip on power. Manipulati­on, in contrast, views social media as a tool; so it works on mobilizing citizens by presenting effective threads and content.

The major disadvanta­ge of social mobilizati­on through control occurs when the commander loses his grip on society, leaving unguided citizens to be driven by their limited capacity, disrupting society. Manipulati­on, however, leaves enough room for citizens to think and act on their own and to work for the benefit of the nation — there is even room for accepting and adopting their efforts and initiative­s. Many of today’s politician­s who wholeheart­edly support the president and feel that they are strengthen­ing his administra­tion are actually dragging the administra­tion down.

In Egypt, we are quite slow to determine whether our operating method is functionin­g effectivel­y. Egyptian politician­s tend to work with the technique with which they are familiar and comfortabl­e — which is not necessaril­y the most appropriat­e method for our current challenges or for the present era. In my view, politics is about manipulati­on and management; our politician­s need to convince their followers of their vision, period.

QMohammed Nosseir, a liberal politician from Egypt, is a strong advocate of political participat­ion and economic freedom. Twitter: @MohammedNo­sseir

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